Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Finnick Pov.

It's been lonely without Maggie. And lately things have been almost awkward with Annie and I recently and I don't know why, I don't know what I should do, or can do to rekindle our love. We still love each other, obviously. We just don't always have the time to show it anymore, with Maggie around, the still very new grand kids in our lives. I have to figure something out.

I walk to our nightmare room where Annie never goes, I just wanted to go in, for some unknown reason. I see a box that says "Annie", I pick it up and go through it.

Pictures I drew her, wow, I was a bad artist. A couple outfits, my mom' sold sneakers. I smile. The bottom of the box is a small journal-like book.

Did Annie write in this?

I open it up, the first entry was dated on the day of my reaping, the entry is addressed to me.

Dear Finn,

I hate you right now for leaving, I really do. I hate you for coming in my life and making it the best it's ever been. For looking at me with those beautiful sea green eyes, for smiling at me with those pearly white teeth, and for making me fall in love with you slowly, yet rapidly.

You left me, and even though my heart tells me you'll come back, my mind says you won't. Because I have to face it, Finn, fourteen year olds don't win the games.

I have so much faith in you, I do. But there's the part of me filled with doubt that makes me want to scream and cry like a little kid throwing a tantrum.

You've become a huge part of my life. No, you've become my life. And I can't let you leave it. If you did, you would leave a permanent hole in my heart, my heart that you have stolen.

My Finn, if you die, my heart dies with you.

Love, Your Annie

My eyes are filled with some tears, and I turn the page.

Dear Finn,

People tell me you'll come back to me. And part of me believes them, and another part of me doesn't. The odds are against it, and all I want is for you to come home, and hold me, and kiss me and make me feel better. But you're in the Capitol, and the only way you can come back is if you win. And I don't know now likely those chances are, and I don't wanna know the odds. Right now it wish I didn't know you. I know that's cowardice of me, but I can't take this pain of you not being here.

The girls here at Four love you more than they already did, and no matter how many times you tell me, I'll never believe I'm better than them. If you saw them, I'm sure you'd admire them just as much as they admire you, and I can't take them anymore. I hate being jealous, it rarely happens and when it does I just wanna punch something.

Finn please come home. Please.

I miss you, and love you, and hate these annoying girls.

Love, your Annie.

"What are you doing in here?" Annie's beautiful voice comes from behind me.

Our lives have become so normal, I've forgotten how much we've fought and been through to salvage our relationship time after time.

"Ann," I turn around, tears still sitting on my eyes. I just hug her, and she hugs me back. "I forgot, how much we fought, how much we went through together. I love you, you know that, right?"

"Finn, I know you love me-"

"You know I never stop thinking about you, that I treasure you more than anything, that you're my entire heart and soul?"

"Finn," She smiles a little. "You haven't talked to me like this, for the longest time. I'm not complaining, but what's gotten into you?"

She looks behind me, her eyes landing on her journal.

"Where'd you get that?" She asks, a nervous blush on her cheeks.

"I found it down here, I never knew any of that,"

"Why did you read it?" She asks. I get nervous, she laughs a little. "I'm not mad,"

"Phew," I say. "Curiosity, I didn't know it was yours, I just picked it up and opened the book." She nods. "Can I keep reading it?"

She laughs, "Okay."

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