Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Finnick Pov.

"Alexa loves, you." Annie tells me.

"What?!" I ask.

"She is in love with you," Annie says.

"But, but, no. She can't be, why in the world would she even hang out with her sister's boyfriend, well husband now, but... Why would she do this?! I know I liked her or whatever but she wasn't supposed to like me. She wasn't." Annie just sits there. "I love you Annie, not Alexa, you know that right?"

"Uh, yea, I know,"

"Don't sound so unsure Annie, I love you not her. You're the only one on this earth that I'm in love with, okay?"


"I love you," I remind her.

"I love you too,"

She kisses me and we hug.

"Isn't it weird that she's in love with her brother in law?"

"Oh yea, I just noticed she's technically my sister in law," I say.

"Hey Finn," Annie says.


"I forgive you, it's gonna take awhile for me to fully move on but I don't want this to continue to affect us."

"Thanks Annie,"

I feel her head nod.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Alexa Pov.

I hate my sister. I hate her.

Once Annie was born our mom and dad only loved her. There were days where they forgot about me. Dad at work, mom with Annie. Who was there for me? No one.

I wasn't shipped off by mom and dad so that I'd be safe. I ran away, and stowed away on the train to the Capitol.

When I saw my sister reaped for the games, I was upset. Very upset. But that was before I met Finnick. The only person in the world I've ever loved.

When I first met Finn he was sixteen. To be honest I didn't really like him from watching TV because he seemed fake. But once you talk with him and everything he's the greatest person in the world.

Then my little bubble was burst when he continuously talked about Annie, who I knew right away was my sister. He kept a picture of her with him, and I remembered interviews about them talking about the other but that was before I knew the real Finnick.

How badly I was, well, am in love with him. And he didn't even notice. Maybe he did and he just kept teasing me as he went on about Annie.

"She's so beautiful, she's so smart, she's so funny, her eyes are blue and sparkly like the ocean, she's so brave, I'm so in love with her." he'd go on and on.

"Yea she seems great Finn," and then I'd mask my sadness with a smile.

Good thing I have a plan to mess my sister's happily ever after right?

Annie has everything. The perfect house, the perfect kids, the perfect friends, the perfect district, and best of all, the perfect husband.

And what did I get? An apartment.

I don't have what she has. She's always had more.

I call Annie, and put on my best "happy act" possible.

"Hello?" she answers after a few rings.

"Hey, Annie! It's Alexa, how are things going?" I ask, with a fake happy voice.

"Hold on Alexa," I hear background noise. "Stop Finn! My sister is on the phone," she giggles. "Stop!" she catches her breath. "Stop tickling me!" she tells Finn. "Sorry, we're good, everything is fixed."

"That's great!" I lie.


"So, I'd love to meet my niece and nephew sometime," I make something up.

"Oh yea, well let me talk to Finn and make sure we don't have plans and I'll call you back?"

"Sure, I'll talk to you later then."

"Okay bye." we hang up.

Now I gotta finalize my plan on the project: Sabotage Annie's Marriage.

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