Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

Annie Pov.

I never knew that little journal I wrote in would keep our relationship strong. That him finding it would help our relationship. I never knew that little journal would have so much power later, and I'm so glad I wrote in it, and I'm even more glad he found it.

He deserves to know how I felt when he was gone, the most emotional part of the book, though, is when it gets to the time I thought my world had came crashing down, with Finn on the way, I was afraid I would be a horrible mom without Finnick to support me and be included in mine and the baby's life.

But it all worked out, and eventually Maggie came along, everything now was perfect, except for Finn and I who rarely found the time to be alone. But i know now that we will, because now we have seen what happens to the other when we don't have each other.


Finnick Pov.

Dear Finn,

A boy named Jonathan from school asked me out. I obviously said no, I know we're only fourteen and thirteen, but I couldn't imagine anyone else in my life. Something just tells me we were made for each other, why else would you be the one and only to find me on the beach that day?

Finn, you don't understand what my life would become if you weren't in it, so I hope you realize how much you mean to me, and how much sadness will consume me if you leave.

I love you, but still hate you for being reaped.

Love, Your Annie.

I never knew Annie felt like this while I was gone, all I knew was that she really missed me.

But what am I doing reading this now? We have tons of time to just be together and I'm wasting it by reading this now, I should read it later, and be with her now.

I bookmark the page and run up the stairs, Annie is in the living room watching TV.

"Hey Annie," I say.

"You finished already?" she asks.

"No, I just rather read it sometime tonight, and spend time with you now,"

She smiles, "Okay, well what do you wanna do?"

"I wanna take you out to a restaurant, I know we had a fun last time."

"Alright well let's go, I'll go get ready,"

"I just wanna change into nicer clothes, and do my hair,"

Annie laughs, "Sometimes I swear you take more time doing your hair than I do."

"It's a process, Annie, it's a process."

She laughs more, "Well that 'process' takes centuries."

She walks up the stairs, I already feel like we are getting along better, we just never do anything for the two of us. There's always something going on, someone in trouble, someone dating, someone getting married. We never do anything for each other anymore, and as much as I love Maggie, it's nice with just Annie and I right now.

I go up to my closet and find a nice outfit, a simple blue collared shirt, with a black blazer and black pants.

I do my hair, combing some of it to the front, and then some of it to the back. My hair has been the same style for years, since I was a kid. I wonder why I never change it, but when I look in the mirror I wouldn't want different hair.

Is it weird for me to talk about my hair so much right now?

I shrug.

I go down stairs and wait for Annie. Every time she comes down those stairs when we go out she looks so perfect. And I know she hates when I call her perfect, but she is. She's so perfect it's unbelievable.

Taking me completely off guard, she floats down the staircase. Her dress is a light green, and has no straps. Her hair is all wavy and flows behind her face. How did I get so lucky?

I just stare at her, and she says something but I don't even know what she said.

"Finn, you're doing it again," Annie says.

"Gosh darn it Annie if you didn't always look so perfect I wouldn't have this problem!" I say.

She laughs and kisses me.

"Want me to dress messy from now on?" She asks.

"Well, if you want me to hear what you're saying, then yes."

She smiles, "Where do you wanna go?"

"How about that really good restaurant with all the fancy food?" I suggest.

"Mm," she says. "I could taste the shrimp already."

I laugh a little, "Then let's go."

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