Chapter 2

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 After I got ready to go to school I went to the kitchen to eat something, the rest of the members were still sleeping because we've been promoting our new song and well some of us still made mistakes. As I was eating and thinking on what might happen today I was interrupted by one of my members. "Good morning Dino,"said Hoshi. "Oh good morning hyung," I said snapping out of my thoughts. "Hey why aren't you sleeping hyung you must be tired?" I said. "Oh nah I'm fine plus you shouldn't be eating alone." Hoshi said with a smile. "Hey umm.. Dino I was wondering if somethings wrong at school or here because you seem distracted..are you okay? Is something going on?" Hoshi said looking at me with a worried eyes and a sad smile. "Oh great he knows somethings up." I thought in my head. "No I'm fine just tired you know homework and stuff is a little hard that all." I smiled at him however I think he knows I was lying because he just sighed. I didn't want this conversation to keep going because it would just make him worry and it was starting to bring me down. "Umm..hyung look at the time I have to go now I'll see you later ok?" I said rushing out of the dorms as soon as possible however before I did I heard Hoshi say "I wish he would tell me." "Why does he care so much?" I thought on my way to school. Hoshi has always been their for me and he's always taking care of me but lately he seems more protective and clingy is he ok?

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