Chapter 35

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As soon as we finished eating I was gonna help clean up when the members stopped me and said to go relax on the couch meanwhile they clean up. I decided not to argue with them so I went to the couch with some help from Hoshi of course. It was around 8:30 pm and it was actually pretty chilly and I think some of the members realize I was cold as Vernon bought me a blanket and my phone. I thanked him as he smiled and went back to help clean up. I turned on my screen only to find 30 missed calls from my friends but mostly Daehwi. I sighed as I knew word had spread to everyone in school but thankful that it didn't spread to everyone else (fans) or else it would cause a bit of drama. I decided get up without the members realizing and went to the back porch. I called Daehwi to see what he wanted which I'm pretty sure was to make sure I was alright. "Hello?"
"Hi Daehwi!" I said as I put my hand on the bar of the porch. (You know the bar of the fence that some porches have also like in hotels? No? Ok sorry I don't know how to explain it just imagine how you want for that part. XD just remember their at the dorms aka their house.)
"Oh finally you answered me I was starting to get worried! Are you okay? Do you need anything? Do you want me to come over? No you know what, What if I come over to take you home with me that way I can take care of you! Wait no what if-"
"Daehwi!" I said laughing since I felt better, still in pain but I could laugh now. "Look, I'm fine ok? The members are taking care of me it's ok. Also...I told them my life and my past" I said as I left out a sigh
"You finally told them huh? Thank god Dino because if you didn't tell them then I would of-"
"I would of told them. But the reason I told you was because well...because I knew you wouldn't tell anyone, especially laugh at me." I said smiling now because I was thankful to Daehwi because he was there for me too and also because he went through some hard things too, and so we understood each other.
"Why would I laugh at you? I'm your best friend!"
Best friend? I smiled at the thought of that, but now that I think about it he's right he is my best friend and he makes me happy, listens to me, he's always there for me, and does everything a best friend would do. He's my best friend. I chuckled and then said, "That's true, your my best friend and I'm thankful for you and thank you for caring for me Daehwi I don't know what I would do without you or any of my friends. Sorry it took me all this time to realize you're my best friend but just know I'm glad you are." I said as I heard sobbing. "Why are you crying?!?"
"I'm just glad your alright and FINALLY you realize I'm your best friend took you long enough haha."
"Haha I'm sorry Daehwi, but anyways thank you for everything."
"What are you saying if anything I should be thanking you! Well anyways dude I'm thankful for you and I'll leave you alone to get some rest. Also, before you go to sleep tell me why you were crying."
How does he know I was crying? But then again he knew me more than I knew myself. He even knew when I was about to cry before I even knew myself. "Haha ho-" "I know my best friend." He said as I smiled and said thank you again "Ahhh stop saying thank you and go get some rest now!" He said laugh as I laughed too. "Ok I'm going, and thanks." I said. "*Sighs* your welcome and don't worry about school ok? We'll figure something out ok? Don't worry too much about it and don't forget to tell me why you were crying or else I'll spam you with calls." "Thank you, and don't worry haha I'll tell you later, anyways bye and thank you." As soon as I said that I hanged up. "To be honest I'm glad he's my best friend now, hopefully I don't ever see my ex best friend ever again." I said in my head. I put my phone in my pocket at went back inside only to find all the members already in the living room sitting down. It seemed like they were waiting for me to get off the phone. "Who were to talking to?" Asked Hoshi as the rest of the members were looking at me. "I-I was talking to a friend." I said as I went to go sit down on the couch having Hoshi on one side and S.coups on my other side and of course I was in the middle. "What friend?" Asked Jeonghan
"I was talking to Daehwi he wanted to make sure I was okay." I said with a smile. "Ohh" Hoshi said in a tone almost like he was annoyed. "Well...anyways what else did you guys talk about?" Woozi said. "Um...well he wanted to know how I was feeling and well he wanted to know if I told you guys about..well you know my past. Also he wanted be to know not to worry about school since rumors had spread he said that we'll figure something out." I said as they looked at me. "He knew about your past?" Hoshi said.

A/N: hopefully you guys like the long chapters :) it's to say thank you for 2.05k reads! Thank you for everyone who reads my book. Also sorry if this chapter was boring. Hopefully you guys enjoy! Sorry for any mistakes!

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