Chapter 39

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Dino's POV

"Sure," I said, as Hoshi and I went to go sit down on the couch with them, "But first I want to apologize for what happened earlier, it wasn't right of me to get mad at you guys especially after everything you've guys have done for me." I said as they were shocked but then they shook their heads and then S.coups said, "No, we should be the ones apologizing not you. We didn't respect your feeling and we didn't act mature and we made you up upset so please forgive us." As they all looked at me waiting for my answer. I laughed and then said, "Like I said you guys didn't do anything wrong plus it wasn't your fault ok just don't worry about it." "Bu-" "No buts" I said interrupting them. "Ok.." They said. "Now that that's over, who got you that." Woozi said pointing at my teddy bear Hoshi had gotten me. I blushed from just remembering. However, before I could answer Hoshi said, "I did and we also got bracelets." I just hid behind my teddy bear from embarrassment. I thought I was gonna hear laughing but instead I heard them saying 'awwwww' and I even heard one member say, 'I SHIP IT'. I looked up and said, "Really? You guys are ok that I'm gay and Hoshi and I are dating?" "OF COURSE WE ARE!" They all shouted at the same time as I was shocked but then laughed and hugged them and told them how much I love them and thanked them.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was short but the next one might not be this short I don't know yet but I'll try to update soon. Also I don't know what to write for my fanfic for Yugyeom. Any suggestions? Welp enjoy this little short chapter.😂

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