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~5 years later~🤔😏

Dino's POV

"Mina hurry up or we'll be late!" I said to my 5 year old daughter.

"Coming eomma!"

"Hoshi honey can you go check on her?" I turned around to meet my husband of 4 years now.

"Sure thing baby," he then leaned in to whisper in my ear. "We don't want to be late for our date."

"Ow! What was that for?!" He said after I smacked him on his chest. "Shut up, first we have to go visit our friends!"

"But baby, we see them everyday!" Hoshi whined. "Let's just drop off Mina and go to our date."

"No we don't and I spend some time with them. We have to see how Seungkwan and Vernon kids are doing. Plus we have to go see Jeonghan and Joshua. I want to see Jeonghan new born baby! Plus I think Woozi is pregnant now. Seungcheol told me over the phone. Man I'm soooo happy that they are a couple even if it took Seungcheol a long time to convince Woozi to give a chance." I said as I giggled remembering how Seungcheol would follow Woozi everywhere he went.

"Haha I forgot about that. Plus, not only them but Jun and Minghao too! Awwww not only did they get married but now they are expecting a baby!! Awww I always shipped them together!" Hoshi said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Hahaha that's true I think Minghao is gonna give birth in a week or so and I can't wait! I'm happy and excited for them! Oh and let's not forget about Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Dk too!"

"Hahah yeah....to be honest I don't know who to ship since Mingyu and Wonwoo like Dk but Dk likes both of them haha."

"Hahaha me too but honestly. I hope they all find happiness."

"Me too baby. Now let's go so we can go to our date later!"

"Haha you and your date but yeah let's get going. Mina let's go!"

"Coming eomma!"

After we arrived to Jun and Minghao's place all of our members were here waiting for us. We talked and catch up on what had happened after we last talk and I was happy since it felt like old times. We didn't disband but we did tell our fans we would take a break for a while and after we would come back to perform for them again.

"So Dino, how's your pregnancy going?" Jun asked me as I looked down to my belly of Hoshi and I's fourth month baby boy. After Mina we decided to have another baby but when Mina was older so she would protect her baby brother and now she was gonna have one every soon. "It's going good, we went to our checkup and the doctor said everything is going great!"

"That's good! I'm glad it is. So when did Jackson say he was coming? Oh and what about Bambam and Yugyeom and Jinyoung, Youngjae, Jb, and Mark? They're coming right?"

After Jackson came back he was a new man and I decided to be friends with him and the rest and to be honest I'm glad I did because they are amazing friends. Jackson might of bullied me back then but I decided to give him a second chance and believe me or not but it was the right choice. Jackson was with Mark and Bambam with Yugyeom and they are perfect for each other.

As for Kai, I said I never wanted to see him again but he changed soo much and for the best. At first I thought it was a lie but after a long talk and a lot of thinking I decided to give him a second chance too. He also found his love of his live with one of his members and I couldn't be any happier for him.

"Oh yeah! I forgot they were coming! But I think they said that they were coming with Kai and the rest of Exo!"

"Oh Yay! I can't wait  to see them! I missed them!" Vernon said as all the members were seating with us.

"So Dino? How's your mom? Oh and how's Daehwi!"

"My mom is doing great! She's happy with her new husband. As well as Daehwi's mom. As for Daehwi... he's doing amazing. He's in a group called 'Wanna One' and he's still with his boyfriend who actually is in the group too! I'm actually going to go see Daehwi his week!"

"That's cool! We should go see them!" Hoshi said but I knew he was still jealous of Daehwi even though Daehwi had a boyfriend.

After the rest arrived we talked for a while more until it was time for me and Hoshi to leave for our date. We said our goodbyes and we left Mina with them so they could take care of her.

Hoshi and I were currently going to a hotel after we ate at a restaurant. I knew what was gonna happen and I couldn't me happier to be with him. Hoshi was honestly my life and my everything with my daughter Mina and my baby boy. I'm so thankful to them and for all of my friends and family. I don't know what would of happened if Hoshi never confessed to me and if I never asked for help of my members. I'm glad I did what I did and I'm happy everything turned out amazing in the end. I couldn't wait to see our fans again. Everything was been crazy but it always turned out good in the end and I'm glad everyone I love and care about was just as happy as me. I really am loved and that is the only thing I needed in my life and now that I have it I couldn't wish for anything more.

As soon as Hoshi and I entered our hotel room Hoshi pulled me into a passionate kiss. "Dino?" Hoshi said as soon as we broke the kiss.

"Y-yes?" I said looking into his eyes.

"I love you.....I always will. I'll protect not only you but Mina and our new baby that's on they way too. You are the love of my life and I was already the happiest man when I called you mine. I thought I would never be happier but when you told me your were pregnant with Mina I was even happier. And now," Hoshi but his hand on my belly and then continued. "With this baby on the way....I know I really am the happiest person. You have made me sooo happy and I'm thankful to have you. I love you with all my heart...my love, my husband, my best friend, and my baby. I love you!"

"I-I love you too.....I love you so much Hoshi." I said with tears in my eyes but they weren't sad tears but happy tears.

"Thank you my love...." Hoshi said before he leaned down to connect my lips with his again.

A/N: Okay!!! That was the end. I hope you enjoyed it and I'm sorry if it wasn't what you guys expected. I'm also sorry for updating sooooo late! I started school and I've been busy. But anyways thank you all for the love and support you guys gave me. I can't express how much I love you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 😭💕💕💕💕

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