Chapter 38

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Dino's POV

"Dino wait! I'm sorry ok! DINO!" I heard Hoshi shouting as I stopped but didn't turn around. "Dino...look at me." Hoshi said but I didn't listen. I was crying and I didn't want him to see. "Ok then first let me talk. Look, I'm sorry and yes I know I should of told you first but I didn't I'm sorry but just know I wasn't gonna tell them they heard me that's how they found out believe me! I knew you weren't ready for them to find out and I respected your wish but they found out but they didn't take it the bad way instead they support us! Look please I'm sorry I love you too much to hurt you and let you go but I failed. I hurt you and I'm an idiot for that I'm s-sorry. Please don't say let's break up because that'll just break me please  d-don't break up with m-me." As soon as he was finished I was crying even more. I wanted to say something but I knew if I started to talk I would cry. I then felt Hoshi back hugging me and not wanting to let go and I also felt tears in my neck and knew he was crying too. "Please don't leave me." I may of been mad at him but he didn't mean to tell them and I knew he meant well and didn't want to hurt me. Plus why should I be mad if the members excepted us. But I was mad but not because of that but because of what he said, "Let's break up?" "H-hoshi" I said and he only hummed in response. He let me go and when he did I turned around and starting hitting him with my fist in his chest while crying and of course Hoshi was shocked. "YOU FUCKEN IDIOT WHY DID YOU SAY THAT DON'T YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU AND I NEVER WANT TO BREAK UP WITH YOU! YOU'RE.....A...FREAKEN IDIOT!!!" I screamed and and continued to punch him but with no strength left instead I was crying. Hoshi then pulls me into a hug letting me cry more as he did too. "I'm sorry." Hoshi said as we stayed like that for a few minutes more. After a few minutes I had stopped crying and Hoshi then grabbed my chin. He then kisses me as I  melt into the kiss. We  kiss until we needed to pull back for air. "I'm sorry." Hoshi said as I then said, "I'm sorry too." "What are you sorry for?" Hoshi asked me all confused. "Because I know you meant well and that you didn't want them to know and I'm happy you respected it. And also sorry for crying and hitting you." I said looking away from embarrassment for crying in front of Hoshi. Hoshi just chuckles and kisses me again. After we break the second kiss Hoshi says, "Come on let's go on our date like I said we were gonna do today." "Wait it's a date?!" I said blushing hard. "Yes of course it is I mean we are dating now let's go!" Hoshi said not letting me say anything and grabbed my wrist as we left for our date. During our date we went to eat since I didn't get breakfast. After we ate we went to the amusement park as Hoshi won me a teddy bear, then we went to the stores to look around and we bought some matching bracelets that said, 'Forever together no matter what', then we went to eat again and finally we went to the beach for the rest of the day. Hoshi and I talked, laughed, and even had our moments when no one was around and just walked for the rest of the night at the beach enjoying each others company. Hoshi then said, "I love you Dino." And I responded by saying, "I love you too!" We then left after a while since we had practice tomorrow and I wouldn't have school until next Monday because we had a break off and I was glad because I didn't want to deal with the rumors and stuff plus I would give me time to think of what to do. We then entered the dorms and saw everyone in the living room and I knew I needed to apologize. They then saw Hoshi and I and one of them said, "We need to talk with you guys."

A/N: I updated again 😂 man I'm trying to update more but I mean school ends in like 3 weeks so I have more time to update then but I'll still update when I have time. Anyways hope you enjoy and sorry for any mistakes. Also I might make a Got7 Yugyeom fanfic but idk yet welp enjoy.😂

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