Chapter 23

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The police had kicked the door open and made Hoshi and Jackson's uncle stop fighting. While the police checked the whole house Jackson got up and went to go talk to his friend who was a police and gave him the cameras and everything to arrest him and talk to him about other things. The police grab Jackson's uncle and pulled him out and into the car while Hoshi came running to my side after talking to the medics and the police. "Are you ok?" he asked me as I nodded. I wasn't really ok but I mean it's not that bad that I could die from. All I need is a bit of rest that's all. "We should take you to a hospital now before-" I cut him of because he continued. "No! That's the last place I want to go right now plus I'm fine I'm just tired." Hoshi most of realized that I didn't want any of our fans to see me like this and that I didn't want to cause a problem to everyone else because he said, "Let me at least call one of the medics to bandage you up ok?" I only nodded because I knew he wanted to help because I wasn't going to a hospital. After the medic finished she just said to take it easy for a bit and I should be fine. After she left Hoshi helped me up and put my arm over his shoulders and smiled at me and I swear that smile is my weakness then said "Let's go home." I nodded and smiled back but then I realized how am I gonna tell the rest of the members and especially or manger. Hoshi must I realized I was worried but he told me "Don't worry I'll be there with you to tell them everything." He was about to kiss me when Jackson interrupted us. "Ummm...sorry to interrupt your moment but the police want to talk to you guys before you leave because they know who you guys are and don't want you guys to come to court or else I'll cause a bit of a problem for you guys concerning you guys have fans so they want you guys to answer a few questions first. OH and they arrested the employees of my uncle that were hiding so you guys have nothing to worry about..and thank you to the both of you guys for everything and I'm....sorry. I hurt you Dino, hopefully one day we can start over. Same goes for you Hoshi but for now I need to fix some things with my friends and well...m-my family thanks to you I found out where they are and I'm going to go see them for a while after I clear things with my friends that is...and everyone else I might of hurt. But...thank you and I wish you all the luck and happiness." With that he started to walk away but before he exited the door I called him and said "Jackson thank you, and good luck and hopefully we get to see each other soon and hangout." I said with a smile and he smiled back and left. "I don't like seeing you with that guy." Hoshi said looking at the door. "Someones jealous haha-" I let out a a small grunt from the pain turns out it even hurts to laugh ugh great. "Haha come on lets go talk to the police so we could go home so you could rest and so you could..tell me the truth about everything like you promise you would tell me." He looked and me and all I could think of was damn I forgot about that but I mean might as well tell him the truth about everything right?

A/N: I just realized I got 1K reads awww I'm soooo happy thank you! Oh and I decided to update more before well school...ugh school break ends soon and Monday I have school so I only have today and the weekend to write as much as possible. But anyways enjoys and once again sorry for any mistakes.

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