Chapter 37

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The next day I woke up and was gonna get up when I felt a tight grip around my waist. I fell back from the grip and hold my breath trying not to wake up Hoshi as I remembered I asked him to sleep with me which made me blush. I didn't know what to do so I just looked back to see Hoshi sleeping. I smiled at him and said, "I love you, you idiot." "I'm sorry I didn't hear you can you repeat that?" My eyes widened, "You were awake?" I said as he couldn't stop grinning. I got up because he had loosen his grip however just as I was gonna get up he grab my waist again and I fell on the bed again. "Hoshi let me g-" Before I could finish he grabs my hands and pins them above my head hovering over me. "H-hoshi? W-what are you doing?" I asked blushing from what he did but he didn't say anything instead he kissed me and then pulled back and let go of my hands and said, "I love you too!" I blushed from that and then he kissed my cheek and got up and help me up and said, "Let's go eat now, and we don't have practice today so maybe we can do something?" "Yeah that seems like a good idea but first let me go wash up and get ready and after we eat some breakfast we'll go." I said with a smile as Hoshi returned it but then it disappeared and said, "Wait! Can you walk? You know what we should stay instead I still think you need to rest a bi-" "Hoshi, Im fine don't worry I can walk now, in fact I can run ok so don't worry." I said as he smiled and picked me up and spinned me around and I couldn't help but laugh as he smiled even more. After Hoshi left my room to wash up I did too and picked out my outfit and I decided to wear something comfortable but not to comfortable as were going outside in public. After deciding what to put on I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair.

(Dino's outfit and doesn't he look amazing *faints from hotness* damn it was hard to choose one picture)Once I finished doing my hair I put some perfume on, got my phone, and cleaned my room up and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast

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(Dino's outfit and doesn't he look amazing *faints from hotness* damn it was hard to choose one picture)
Once I finished doing my hair I put some perfume on, got my phone, and cleaned my room up and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Once I entered the room all the members where there eating pancakes and waffles. I saw Hoshi and he saw me and blushed and said, "Y-you look h-hot" Thankful none of the members heard. "O-oh t-thank you, you d-do t-too." I said as we both blushed.

(Hoshi's outfit and it was also hard to choose and outfit for him too like damn why/how are they sooooo handsome)"Are you guys going somewhere?" Wonwoo asked as I sat down to eat

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(Hoshi's outfit and it was also hard to choose and outfit for him too like damn why/how are they sooooo handsome)
"Are you guys going somewhere?" Wonwoo asked as I sat down to eat. "Yeah, Hoshi and I are gonna hangout together since there's no practice today." All the members where eating but that didn't mean they weren't listening and Vernon choked on his drink thinking of something....else." (If you know what I mean XD) Out of nowhere the members burst out laughing and I was confused but Hoshi didn't seem confused. "What's funny?" Dino asks as the members including Hoshi laugh even more. "Nothing, just remember to use hahaha PrOtectION!!" With that they burst out laughing as I then figured out they knew about me and Hoshi I had turned red and was blushing. Hoshi who was sitting next to me was blushing and smiling. I was got mad especially because Hoshi told them without my permission so I just got up and went out the door slamming it along.All the members stopped laughing when they heard the door slam. They stayed silence as Hoshi was now mad. Before anyone could speak Hoshi said, "I didn't tell him that I told you guys already! He wasn't ready for everyone to find out! Do you have any idea how mad, upset, and humiliated you made him!" "Hoshi we're sorr-" Before anyone could apologize Hoshi got up and grab his key and slammed the door leaving the rest of the members silent and feeling guilty and bad. "Dino wait! I'm sorry!"

A/N: finally an update XD I'll try to write the next part but idk if I'll finish today it all depends plus I have a exam Friday so idk yet but I'll try anyway hopefully you enjoy this part and sorry for any mistakes as always

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