Chapter 45

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Dino's POV

After a few minutes of getting myself together to not cry I decided to go tell Hoshi the good news about my mother accepting our relationship. I walked out to the living room and I saw all the members eating breakfast that was made by Mingyu, Dk, and Wonwoo. The members were too busy to notice me as they were all eating at talking. So I just sat down next to Hoshi who looked at me as soon as I sat down.
"Good morning! Do you feel better?" Hoshi asked me.
"Y-yeah." I lied, after hearing the news I didn't feel as good as when I woke up but they didn't need to know.
Hoshi knew I was lying but he didn't want to make a big scene about it. He and I knew that if I rested a bit I would feel better but, I didn't want too, well not yet. I wanted to go buy some things first, I also wanted to get clothes and just supplies in general.
"Your lying to me. Tell me what's wrong." I knew I had to tell him, plus I couldn't lie to him. After all, he did soo much to make me happy.

"I-I talked to my mother." I said, looking at him as he looked at me.

"Well, that's good! Wait what happened? You don't seem happy." Hoshi said.

"No! I'm happy!" I said, immediately.

"So what happened then?" Hoshi asked worried.

"I told her about our relationship and how I'm gay." I said looking at him.
"Oh..." Hoshi said putting down his chopsticks and looked at me and said, "What did she say?"
"She said..... SHE WAS HAPPY!!!" I said, and Hoshi smiled and hugged me!!
The members heard us and looked at us all weird. "What happened? What's amazing?" Joshua said.
Soon after Hoshi said that all the members were jumping up and down and some were even screaming!
"OH! yeah I almost forgot I told my parents too and they all accept us too!!!" Hoshi said, as I was shocked. "R-really?" Was all I could say. Hoshi smiled and nodded and hugged me. As all the members were celebrating and was still thinking about my aunt. It seems the members notice this and stopped cheering. "What's wrong?" Hoshi asked me as I then realized I had been spacing out.
"I- oh it's nothing." I said, however they knew something was up. Hoshi grabbed my chain and said, "Aren't you happy? Or is there's something your not telling me, theirs is...isn't?" I nodded as all the members, including Hoshi sat back down to listen.
"Well, before I told my mom about, well you know...our relationship she told me the reason she couldn't contact me for a few days and that was because my aunt got sick and she used her money to pay for it and so she didn't have a way to contact me, but she said that she has money now which is good. But...."
"But? Wait?! what about your aunt?! Is she okay?"
All the members looked at me hoping that my aunt was okay but it wasn't the case for this.
I shook my head as I looked down as my eyes got watery. "S-she ummm.... she passed a-away." I said looking at Hoshi. Everyone was silent as they didn't know what to say but they looked at me wanting to say something to make me feel better but they couldn't think of anything.
"I-I'm sorry." Hoshi said, as I covered my eyes as Hoshi hugged me as I started to cry even more so he hugged me tighter. Hoshi then picked my up bridal style as I kept my face covered and he took me to the couch where everyone else followed us. (The way Hoshi carried Dino aka in bridal style, that's how they sat on the couch with Dino still on Hoshi.) He kept whispering sweet words to my ear, hugging me, rubbing circles on my back, and kissing my head as I buried my face in his neck the enter time. Next thing I knew, I had fallen asleep in his arms as he hugged me and comfort me to sleep.

A/N: I decided to update because I forgot I didn't update 😂 also because I have nothing to do and it's barely been a week since school finished and I've been bored so I decided I should do something so I updated. Anyways if you guys know what I should do tell me!!!! Please I'm bored I have nothing to do but write! Anyways sorry about that and enjoy this chapter!😂 Also Sorry for any mistakes as I didn't proofread!!! Sorry!!

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