Chapter 8

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"I SAID IT WAS NOTHING!" I said not realizing I just screamed. I took me a few seconds to realize I had just screamed at Hoshi and when I realized I could see Hoshi and the rest of the members in shocked because of what I just did. Hoshi was silent from shock of me screaming. "I..I I'm sorr-" I was about to finish my sentence when everything had turn black. All I remember before passing out was Hoshi screaming "Dino!! Dino!! Wake up!!" and hearing the members running and talking but I didn't remember anything else as my eyesight went black. When I woke up I realized I was lying in my bed and it took me a few moments to realize what had happened. "Oh great now what I can't come up with an excuse now!" I said. "Yeah what excuse are you gonna use now?!" I looked up only to see all the members in my room. "I..I..umm what happened?" I said looking at Hoshi who had asked me the question hopefully avoiding the question which I knew wasn't gonna happen. "Well.. you passed out and we called a doctor to check on you but turns out you had a sprained foot and you had bruises and cuts on your body care to explain?!" Hoshi said looking mad and worried at the same time. I didn't know what to say I was in shock because I knew I had to tell them but I was scared of what might happen. I looked at the rest of the members who were just looking at me with sad eyes and waiting for me to answer. "I..I...umm" I couldn't seem to find the right words because I didn't know if I should tell them but then again if I don't I won't be able to handle this by myself. I hate asking for help but I had to even if I get embarrassed but it's best or else I'll get hurt even more. I looked back to face Hoshi only to see him hugging me. I was confused but that's until I realized I had tears coming down my cheek.

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