Chapter 42

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Hoshi's POV

"DINO!" I ran to Dino's restroom as I saw him throwing up and I was worried I didn't know what to do. I quickly got myself together as I kneeled next to him saying sweet things to him and rubbing his back hopefully he feels better. I saw that he was crying and shaking due to the pain and how scared he was and probably because he was embarrassed. All I wanted to do was hug him but I couldn't just yet. I heard the bedroom doors opening and the members running and saying 'what happened' as they soon came to Dino's room. They all stopped at the restroom door all looking worried and scared.

Author's POV

"What happened?" Asked Wonwoo even though it was obvious what happened but he asked out of concern. "I don't know, I went to change and when I came back he was throwing up!" Hoshi said. "I-I'm fine now." Dino said starting to get up as Hoshi got up too but only to have Dino fall down again. Hoshi helped him up as all the members were worried for Dino as they don't know why he was throwing up in the first place. "I d-don't f-f-feel well." Dino said stuttering. Hoshi was holding Dino as Dino washed his mouth and afterward Scoups came to touch Dino's forehead as he widened his eyes. "He has a fever!" Scoups said as all the members were really worried now. Dino was about losing his strength as his legs started to wobble. Dino started to breath heavy which only worried the members more. Hoshi realized he was about to faint so he picked up Dino bridal style and walked out of the restroom as the members got out of the way so Hoshi could pass. Hoshi put Dino in his bed and quickly covered him with the blanket as he saw how Dino was shaking from being cold. Seungkwan then left the room and came back with a wet towel as he put it on Dino's forehead. Dino seemed to calm down a bit because of it and fell asleep which made the members worry less as they looked at the sleeping maknae. The only question was why did Dino throw up in the first place?

A/N: I said I was gonna update today and I did!😂 I was actually gonna update sooner but I feel asleep and when I woke up I had a huge headache and I still have it right now and I had homework to do. But I updated soo yay!😂 Enjoy this chapter and sorry for any mistakes. Anyways Good night or have an amazing day everyone depending where you live.😂

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