Chapter 41

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I put my backpack down in my room and went to take a quick shower since I had to wake myself up because I was sleepy but I wanted to go watch the movie with my members. After I took a shower I put on a white T-shirt and black sweatpants and then I decided to do my routine I usually do before I go to sleep since I knew I wouldn't want to do it later which was to put on my creams and everything else I usually do. After all that I put my phone to charge and went to the living room. However, when I went to the living room I realized that everyone had moved places to make room for me to sit next to Hoshi which I thought was really sweet of them. I sat down next to Hoshi as I put my head on his chest as he hugged me. While we were watching the movie Hoshi whispered in my ear, "We'll talk later about what I asked you and I know you walked home so don't try lying to me next time." To be honest I usually get nervous when he's like that but then again I did nothing wrong so I shouldn't be scared. While we were watching the movie my eyes were getting heavy but I tired to keep them open but it didn't work as I fell asleep. None of the members even Hoshi noticed that Dino fell asleep as they were all focused on the movie. However after the movie ended some of the members were crying as others were getting sleepy. "Man, that was an amazing movie!" Joshua said. "Yeah I agree especially when he saved them before they got caught." Dk said. "My favorite part was probably when he found out he had powers and he used them to save the town." Jeonghan said. "It was an amazing movie!" Wonwoo and Scoups said. "I loved the music they put in the background for the beginning." Woozi said as they all agreed. "What was your favorite part Dino?" Jun said as they all turned to look at Dino only to find him sleeping. "Awww he fell asleep!" Seungkwan and Dk said fanboying over the sleepy maknae. "He's probably tired from being an idol and a student at the same time." Th8 said as they all nodded. "Also because schools getting harder as they have more exams and project. Plus the teachers started leaving him more homework too." Hoshi said brushing off Dino's hair from his eyes as all the members cooed over the maknae sleeping so peacefully. "So what now? Do we wake him up to go to bed? Or should someone take him to bed?" Woozi said. "I'll take him to bed. Plus I don't want him to wake up he's had a tiring day he needs sleep." Hoshi said as he got up taking Dino into his arms carrying him bridal style. Due to this it made Dino move a bit. He had put his head on Hoshi's chest as he grabbed Hoshi's shirt with his hands which the members found cute as they all wanted to scream but couldn't because then they would wake Dino up. Hoshi went to take Dino to bed as the members went to their rooms to go to sleep. Hoshi gently put Dino to bed and went to his room to change but only to come back and sleep with Dino. As Hoshi went back to Dino's room he heard something that made him worried. Hoshi quickly ran to Dino's room but he didn't see him in his bed so he ran to Dino's restroom. "DINO!"

A/N: I feel so bad because I had said that I was gonna update the next day I had updated the last chapter but I didn't and I'm sorry but I only have this week of school left so I'll be able to update more. Also I had written some of this yesterday which is probably why there are some mistakes so sorry about that but I just have a lot of final exams like on Friday I had a Spanish test which I'm gonna finish tomorrow but I'm scared I'll fail and then I have a test for math tomorrow too which is for Monday and Tuesday and I'm scared because if I fell this text I'll end the year with a C😢. Sorry for ranting but one last thing.
ok I'm done😂💕Love you guys!!

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