Chapter 26

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"WHAT?" They all scream at the same time again but to be honest it wasn't funny anymore just because it made them louder screaming in sync.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US! WE COULD OF HELPED!" Wonwoo said and the other said yeah.

"WHY DID YOU HIDE THIS FROM US?!" Seungkwan said as Mingyu joined in and said "WHY DID YOU HIDE IT WE COULD OF HELPED YOU OUT!"

"WERE ALL FRIENDS AND MEMBERS!" Jun said and then Th8 said "WERE MORE THAN MEMBERS WERE FAMILY." I know I messed up because Th8 usually doesn't yell but just hearing all of this is getting to me however they weren't done.

"WE TELL EACHOTHER EVERYTHING AND WE DON'T LIE WHEN IT'S IMPORTANT!" Jeonghan said and then Joshua said, "CAN'T YOU TELL US WHEN IT'S IMPORTANT!" "YEAH MAN COME ON, STOP BEING LIKE THIS AND LET US KNOW!" Vernon said and usually Vernon doesn't get mad but now he is.

"STOP BEING STUBBORN AND TELL US WHEN IT'S IMPORTANT!" DK said as Woozi then said something that got me. "CAN'T YOU TRUST US!?"

"I-" I was gonna say something when S.coups interrupted me and said "HONESTLY DINO! JUST STOP BEING A KID AND GROW UP AND START TRUSTING PEOPLE ESPECIALLY THE ONES THAT CARE FOR YOU! WERE SUPPOSED TO BE A TEAM BUT YOU AREN'T DOING YOUR PART YOUR JUST STILL A KID TO UNDERSTAND ANYTHING JUST GROW UP AND TELL US WHEN SOMETHING'S GOING ON." With that they all stopped yelling and were catching their breaths. They were all looking at me to respond however I couldn't because what they said was true I couldn't trust anyone and I was stubborn and a kid who never understood anything. I was weak and could never do anything for myself even when I was a kid. Many things happened in my life which had to do with my past and if they knew past they would regret everything they just said however they didn't know anything of me well not yet at least. Hoshi who was listening to everything sat down next to me and put his hand over my shoulders and hugged me however I still couldn't talk because I was in pain not just physically but mentally too. All the memories from the past came back and it hurt. It also hurt to know they felt like this towards me I was disappointed in myself because I couldn't trust and understand and still acted like a little kid a little kid like how I was in the past too. After a few minutes of us silence they all started to realized they were a bit harsh.

"Dino...were sor-" S.coups started to say however I interrupted to say something that made then sad and a bit guilty. "NO! D-Don't apologizes I know, I know it's true that I still act like a kid and that I understand. However most importantly...I know I can't trust anyone...I did one time when I was a kid but....not anymore." I murmured the last part but they heard me because their expressions were sad and their eyes were filled with sadness. "D-Dino...were sorr-" Woozi didn't get to finish as I got up even if I hurt to because of the pain but at this point I didn't care I was tired of them saying sorry when they don't even know what I've been through. "NO! STOP IT OK!" They all just stayed still because they didn't know what to do. "S-STOP SAYING SORRY WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN THOUGH YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE SUFFERED AND HOW MUCH IT HURTS! EVERYTHING I DO AND DID AS A KID RUINED EVERYTHING IT HURTS THE PEOPLE I LOVE AND I ALWAYS MISS UP I-IT'S MY FAULT I GET IT! STOP SAYING THINGS I KNOW ARE TRUE BECAUSE IT H-HURTS." This entire time I was yelling I was crying because I hurt a lot, the pain from the past and now. It hurt soooo much. Hoshi who was sitting got up and helped me sit down because he knew I was still in pain from the punches and when he sat me down he hugged me tight and all I could do was cry. The members who were standing just felt bad for what they said because I was true they didn't know anything about me and they were just standing there because they didn't know what to do. After a few minutes I had calmed down and I stopped hugging Hoshi and wiped my tears aways and then looked at my members and said "I-I'm...sorry."

A/N: Welp....this got emotional hehe. Sorry, I didn't want to write this but I mean I kind of had to for it to make a but more "sense" I guess you could say also cliffhanger? My one week of school break has ended now and I got to school tomorrow so Idk when I'll update hehe. Anyways hope you like it and I'll try to update tomorrow welp goodnight people because I was meant to sleep like 40 minutes ago but I was writing this before bed so yeah. Enjoy and let me know if I made a mistake. Also what's Dino's past🤔

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