Chapter 32

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"Dino WAKE UP!" Hoshi? I felt someone shaking my shoulders as I quickly shot up making me groan from the pain in my head, making me put one hand on my head and my other hand on the bed holding me up as I was a bit dizzy. I was panting and sweating and crying due to the dream I had and all I felt was Hoshi hugging me trying to calm down, whispering sweet words to my ear. No one else was in the room and I figured it was because Hoshi said he would handle this. Once I calmed down I pulled away from the hug and looked at him. "I'm sorry, I'm ok now." I said as Hoshi looked at me worried. "What happened?" Hoshi asked me and I just looked at him with a weak smile, "I...I had a n-nightmare that's all, I'm fine now." I said with a fake smile. I wasn't ok I was terrified however I knew I wasn't alone anymore that's why I didn't tell Hoshi and also because my dream was true about what it said. However, Hoshi seem to notice I wasn't ok and that I gave him a fake smile. "Dino you can't fool me I know your not ok, please talk to me so I can help you...please." I saw he was close to crying and I figured it was best to tell him as I know I'm not alone anymore and accept the help they wanted to give me instead of being stubborn. I sighed and said, "I had a nightmare and it was someone speaking to be it almost sounded like my voice just a bit echoey. It was telling my that I was worthless, I was a burden, why was I even here, that I couldn't protect my mom, I lost my best friend, and that I lost everything, and finally that I was alone."
"Dino Your.Not.Alone.Anymore" Hoshi said as he was close to crying seeing me like this. That's when it finally realized I can count on him to always be there for me and how lucky I really am for having not only him but my members too I'm really thankful to them. "I know that now." I smiled but it wasn't just any smile it was a true happy smile. I saw that he started to blush and because of that I started to blush. "Ahhhh why are you looking at me like th-" I didn't even get to finish as he kissed me passionately stopping me from talking. We kept kissing until I pulled away for air and rested my forehead on his. We looked at each others eyes and it was full of love not fake love but real love. I started crying because I have someone who really loves me not just because what I look like or who I am (kpop idol) but for my true self. "Dino why are you c-crying?! What's wrong?!" Hoshi said cupping my cheeks and wiping my tears off with his thumbs. "I-it's just that I really love you and I'm thankful for you and the members I'm just h-happy." I said as Hoshi looked shocked but happy and now he started crying. "I l-love you too Dino!" He then kissed me again but pulled away and said, "Oh yeah I forgot! Dinners ready and it's not just noodles trust me your gonna love it plus everyone helped to make it, so you have to eat it and love it now hahaha!" I laughed at him because of how lame he was but then again that's one of the things I love about him.

A/N: Ahhhh sorry but I'm not good when it comes to romance stuff. XD Also does anyone know who Dino's best friend was? No? Welp I know who it is but I'm not gonna say *laughs evilly* just kidding I'm don't laugh like that and I'm not that evil.😂Also I have a presentation tomorrow and I did most of the work like 95% of the work ugh I prefer to work alone instead with a group I do better by myself. Anyways hopefully you enjoy this chapter and idk how many chapters are left I guess you'll have to wait and see.

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