Chapter 34

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"Ahhh Dino don't be like that it's weird"Seungkwan said and the other members laughed. "Ahhhh Dino you made Jeonghan cry!!!!" Wonwoo said as Jeonghan said, " I'm not the only one crying!! Hoshi, Jun, and Dk are crying too!!!" I looked at all of them and then said, "Ahh! You guys are making this sooooo embarrassing and weird." I said, as I covered my face with my hands to hide the fact that my face was red. "Awwwwww Dino is blushing everyone!!!!" Th8 said as they all looked at me. "Ahhhh stop!! You know what, fine I won't do this again so don't expect me to be nice and the good maknae now! You'll only get savage Dino." (maknae always on top! XD) I said, as they all laughed, "Ok..Ok we're sorry!" S.coups said as they continued to laugh. "It's ok Dino, plus I don't want you saying nice things to them, only me you hear?" Hoshi said into my ear as I turned to look at him with a glare but I was actually blushing and my heart was pounding. I just look away and covered my face from embarrassment. "Ok guys," Mingyu said, "let's stop picking on Dino and let's finish eating, plus he still needs to tell us why he was crying." They all nodded, no longer laughing. "Yeah... he's right guys, LETS EAT!" Dk said and they all sat down and began to eat again. I looked at my food from embarrassment and also from nervousness but thank god Hoshi knew I was feeling this as he grab my hand from under the table and squeezed it and I looked down blushing at our hands then to his face only to find smiling and blushing too, I smile back at him because I knew everything was gonna be alright.  I mouthed a 'thank you' as we began to eat again, having our hands together and not one of us letting go of it.

A/N: Do you know how hard this is to write because  I'm super sleepy XD. Nah just kidding but my mind wasn't working right at the moment don't know why 😂so it's most likely I missed up a lot, more then usual so sorry. Anyways I took a test today and I'm sure I failed but oh well....*sighs* Oh! and also I might be writing something soon🤔 I wonder when. Oh and finally, Dino said everything is gonna be alright, but is that true?

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