Chapter 40

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Dino's POV

Two weeks have past and in those two weeks many things have happened but for the best. The rumor about me getting beat up was cleared as we told everyone it wasn't real but fake which to be honest I was happy when people believed it. I know lying is bad but we just thought it was for the best also because we didn't want anyone to get worried especially our fans. Being in the dorms has been different but in a great way especially since they accepted my relationship with Hoshi which made me happy. We've also been practicing hard and having concert and going to award show and getting awards and performing our new song that came out a few day ago and it's been stressful but it's worth it especially for our fans. Daehwi and I have been hanging out more as well as we would go the cafe or go shopping and even go to do some karaoke and sing our hearts out. Many fans have realized how close Daehwi and I are that they started to ship us and Hoshi got mad which made me laugh but our relationship has also gotten better and we're more romantic to each other and we give each other kissed now and then or sometimes we makeout but we never do anything further than that. However, other than things getting busier we've been having fun. School has also gotten harder but I've also made new friends as well and not because I'm a idol but because they liked how I acted and I was so happy that they didn't care what I am but for who I am. I've also gotten many girls and guys confess to me but I always had to always reject them telling them that I couldn't date because I wasn't allowed to and I wouldn't have time to be with them however the main reason was because I was dating Hoshi but I couldn't tell them that. But let me just say if Hoshi knew he probably get mad and jealous that's why I haven't told him but that doesn't mean I didn't keep the letters. The only thing is I haven't heard from my mother this entire time she might just be busy..well lets hope thats the case. Tomorrow was Saturday which meant we had the day off but I don't know if I might go or do something. It was now 11:00pm and I had just gotten home after hanging out with Daehwi since we had a project due soon and we just wanted to finish it to get over it but after we finished I stayed a while longer just hanging out with him and playing video games and eating dinner with him and his mom and to be honest I'm glad I met Daehwi and his mom because they also treat me like family and I love it. Daehwi's mom also doesn't like it when I'm formal with her and tell me to call her 'mom' and I love it as she also calls me 'son' as well as Daehwi however he calls be bro at times but most of the time he calls me Dino. No one calls me Chan or Chani and I'm glad because well....because I hate it. Anyways back to what I was saying after I had gotten back from Daehwi's house I thought everyone was gonna be sleeping however that wasn't the case when I got home. I saw all the members watching a movie and some where even lying on each other as they were getting sleepy or just tired of sitting up. I took a few pictures without them realizing and after taking some without getting caught Hoshi saw me and said, "Oh hey your back! Come watch the movie with us. Wait why did you come home soo late? What took you soo long? You could of told me you were done I would of come pick you up. Wait, you didn't walk right?!" All the members were looking at me for an answer as some tried not to laugh at how Hoshi was acting. The truth was that I actually did walk home since I didn't want Daehwi's mom to wake up as she had fallen asleep. Plus, I didn't want one of the members to come pick me up because I thought they were sleeping. I knew if I told Hoshi the truth he would get mad as well as the other members so I didn't want to tell them that so I tried to avoid the question. "Oh I was working on a project with Daehwi and after we ate and played games and so I lost track of time sorry about that but let me go change and I'll join you guys." With that I left to my room to get change. However I know I didn't dodge the question but got off the hook for today...well let's hope.

A/N: Wattpad is being weird for me it keeps making me publish this. Sorry if you keep getting a notification of me about this chapter

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