Chapter 10

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"Dino I..I love you and not just a friend but in a romantic way. I know it's stupid and it's ok if you don't love me the same way but please tell me when something going on. Look I didn't say I loved you at first because I thought that would jus-" Hoshi was interrupted by Dino kissing him. At first Hoshi was shocked but then began to kiss Dino back. As soon as Dino broke the kiss they both looked at each other for a few seconds which to them seem like hours until Dino broke the silence. "I-I love you too and not in a friendly way." Dino blushed and looked away from after Hoshi kept staring at him but not in a bad way but in a love way. "Umm..Dino would you be my b-boyfriend?" Hoshi looked at me for an answer until he began to panic as he saw a tears coming out of Dino's eyes. "I-I I'm sorry I should of said that it's to fast I'm sorr-" Hoshi's eyes widen from dino kissing him again and kissed him back. "Y-yes I would love to be your boyfriend and sorry for kissing you but you wouldn't shut up it was the only way you would." Dino then begins to laugh as Hoshi then joins him. "Thank you Dino." Hoshi says leaning forward to kiss Dino again only to have Dino put a finger on Hoshi's lips. "I don't think so." Dino laughs when he sees Hoshi pouting. "Why not man Dino don't be like this!" Hoshi whines but laughs. "Well for three reasons number one the members might walk in at any moment. Number two I'm still hurt. And finally number three is well it's payback for yelling at me so now you have to wait." Dino says laughing and grinning when he see Hoshi pouting. "Man Dino you sure know how to get your way." Hoshi laughs as Dino joins him. As soon as they talked for a while the members came back in to room only to sign in relief. "Thank god everything is alright but I think the rest of us still need an explanation." Th8 says at the rest of the members nod. I look at Hoshi and smile nodding "I might as well tell them the truth huh."

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