Chapter 43

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Dino's POV
I woke up to the feeling to throw up but I brushed it off for now. My body was sooo weak I didn't feel like getting up at all. "Dino?" I turned my head around and I saw Hoshi and the others in the room, I didn't realize they where all here until Hoshi spoke. "O-oh hi." I said but in a whisper but they heard me. "Do you feel better?" Joshua asked me. Just before I could answer I really felt like throwing up so I got out of my bed and pushed my way out from the members who where surrounding my bed and my way to the restroom and ran to the restroom to throw up. Of course the members ran to me but only Jeonghan and Hoshi came and kneeled next to me rubbing my back. After I threw up and got up and Jeonghan and Hoshi stayed close to me just in case I fell as I washed my mouth. "I'm s-sorry." I said looking at them after I washed my mouth. "You don't need to apologize." Said all the members expect for Jun, Mingyu, and Woozi who just nodded to that. I smiled weakly as I started to walk out of the restroom to my bed. I laid in bed as the members looked at me all worried. "Dino do you know why you got sick?" Asked Dk as they all waited for me to answer. "I don't know, I mean, the food I ate was good and it didn't make me feel sick or anything so I don't know why." I said but I think I know why I got sick but I didn't say because I didn't want to get in trouble. "I KNOW WHY!" Minghao said, as all the members turned to his direction quick. Great he knows I thought in my head. "You weren't wearing a sweater when you got home! It was also really cold outside and it probably made you sick!" Minghao said. Just then all the members realize what Minghao said was true. "That right! You weren't wearing a sweater!!" Woozi said, as I knew I was gonna get in trouble. "Dino stop lying and tell us if it's true and did you walk home!" Vernon said in a serious tone so of course I had to tell him. "*Sighs* Ok it's true, I walked home and I wasn't wearing a sweater because I forgot it at Daehwi's place. I'm sorry." I said avoiding them. "Dino where not mad, well I mean we are disappointed that you lied but why did you walk home and didn't tell us to come pick you up?" Seungkwan said, as I sighed and sat up on my bed, with help from Hoshi and looked up at them and said, "Well actually I was gonna get a ride home from Daehwi's mom but when I was about to ask her if she can take me home she was sleeping so I didn't want to wake her up." "Why didn't you ask us then?" Asked Jun and I sighed again and said, "Well, it was late and I thought you guys where sleeping and plus my phone was about to die so I didn't want to brother you guys." I said as their eyes soften. "Dino, next time text one of us at least, don't worry you won't brother us, in fact we care about your safety first, so we'll drop anything we're doing to pick you up or if you need anything." Said Hoshi as everyone smiled. "T-thank you." I said with a huge smile that was real and not..... fake.

A/N: So schools out for me yay!😂well actually it was supposed to be tomorrow but I'm not going to school tomorrow so yay!😂I'll finally be able to update more but I got homework! Like who does that! I have to read a entire book and make notes about it and when we come back to school on the first day I have to turn it in and the second day I have a test on it like really!?😂😭anyways enjoy this chapter and have a great day/night!

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