Chapter 24

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Dino's POV

As we finished talking to the police we were given a ride back home by Daehwi and his mom. When he saw me he was in shocked but then knew what happened and his mom looked worried and asked me if I was ok and to be honest I'm glad she worries about me. Ever since Daehwi and I became friends she would take care of me when I would visit, she's honestly like another mother to me and I'm happy. On the way home on the ride I explained everything to them and they understood what had happened and told me if I needed anything to tell them and I simply thanked them for that and everything they've done for me. After explaining everything to them I talked to Daehwi and well...Hoshi saw we were fairly close to each other and he didn't like it but I mean Daehwi and I are just friends plus we understand each other since we also have many things in common good and sad so he shouldn't get mad especially since he doesn't know anything about me well..not yet. Before we got off we thanked them and then Hoshi helped me off because I couldn't myself since I was still in pain and I was exhausted from everything that happened today so it's only natural that he helps me even if I hate being weak and getting help and yes I know I'm stubborn but hey..I can't help it I am the maknae after all right hehe. We finally reached the door of our dorms and I took a deep breathe before Hoshi opened the door but not before he said "It's gonna be fine ok? I'm right here to help you explain everything and afterwards I need you to tell me the truth about you ok? I mean all of us know everything about each other but your the only one who we don't know anything about. Plus you would always find a way to not answer but it's time now that we know everything about you ok? I'm right here and just know we all love you e...especially me." With that last sentence he smiled at me and I felt my heart skip a beat before smiling back and saying "ok."

A/N: I'm not sure how POV's work I mean I know what they are but I just don't really know when to use them like how I used it for this chapter I'm not sure if I needed to. But I mean I used them when Dino is explaining what's going on and stuff like that so I'm just gonna pretend I used it right😂anyways what's gonna happen hmmmmm😂 anyways let me know as always if I made a mistake and I'll fix it but other than that what's Dino's past? 🤔

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