Chapter 18

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"Ok so you guys know the plan so stick with that plan only come out if anything happens and I can't do anything other than that don't come out got it! Because we need the footage you guys are gonna take just leave this to me and my men thankfully they agreed to this so don't ruin it." Jackson said as we all nodded and got to our places. For me I was the closest to Jackson and I was hiding in around the corner with my camera hiding it but also getting the footage of everything. Just then as all of us had gotten into place we heard the door open. It was Jackson's uncle and with him where a few men but the thing Jackson's uncle didn't know was those men with him where also part of the plan.

"Hello uncle how was your day?" Jackson asked as he poured some tea for his uncle and himself sitting it down Jackson got his cup and sat down.

"What wrong with you what are you hiding?" Jackson's uncle asked sitting down while grabbing his cup of tea.

"Huh? Nothing's wrong why do you ask all I was...look lets just go to the point. I decide to finally join you and do any task you ask me but with one condition." Jackson said as my heart began to beat faster because I was scared of what might happen but still I needed to stay calm because this was our only shot.

"What's the condition." Jackson's uncle asked as he sipped his tea and sitting with this leg cross with his other one getting more interest making me disgusted from how this guy can do so many things without caring and with no emotion he disgusted me. However hopefully after this I won't have to see his disgusted face ever again.

"Tell me what your planning and who exactly are you?"

"Fine..I'll tell you but after this you need to do what I say got it?" Jackson's uncle say grinning however it didn't matter but he wasn't gonna get what he wants. All of our hearts started to beat fast because we were finally gonna get the evidence we needed.

"Well for the start I'm actually...."

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