Chapter 29

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"WE LOVE YOU TOO DINO!" They all screamed at the same time I couldn't help but laugh. "Ouch" I said trying to hide it but they heard.

"Dino you should go rest and take some time off from practice." Minghao said and the members and him stopped hugging me to look at me while Hoshi helped me stay up before I lost my balance since I was still weak.

"Bu-" "No buts Dino you need rest especially since what you've been through." S.coups said and I didn't dare argue with him especially since I was tired and just wanted to take a shower and go to sleep.
"Here let me take you to your room ok?" Hoshi said as he grabbed one of my arms and put it on his shoulders (not letting go of his hand) and his other hand on my waist and I'm not going to lie I was blushing a lot hopefully they didn't see that. "Dino you need to eat more your really skinny." Hoshi said as the rest of the members looked at him. I didn't want to suffer anymore so all I did was nod and said "Ok." The rest of the members just sighed in relief.
"Get some rest Dino and we'll wake you up when it's time for dinner." Jun said and then Woozi said "Yeah get some rest ok, because I'm writing a new song and we need you too, to help us to come up with a new dance, after all you are in the performance team hehe." I smiled and said, "Ok but I'll never be able to rest if you guys keep talking to me." I said as I grinned. "Ohhhhh" Vernon and Joshua said as the rest of the members were shocked but not in a bad way but in a funny way, as they covered their mouths with their hands. "Welp wake me up when foods ready ok?" I said as they said "ok." As soon as Hoshi took me to my room he said if I needed anything and I told him if he could get my towel and clean clothes so I could shower and he simply went to my closet to go get them. I great thing about my room is I have my own bathroom/restroom and yeah sometimes the members come to use it when the other one is busy but I don't mind since it's in my room. While Hoshi was done getting my towel and clothes he went and took them to the restroom/bathroom and turned on the water so I could take a bath instead of a shower. While he was in the restroom/bathroom I was sitting in my bed just...thinking about everything I've been through and how I had amazing friends who care about me I'm was just happy to have them in my life. As soon as the water was ready Hoshi came out of the bathroom/restroom and when he saw me he came running towards me and I didn't know why until he said, "Why are you crying Dino?!? Is something wrong?!" What I didn't realize was I was crying but not because I was sad but because I was happy but Hoshi didn't know that so I just looked at home and laughed and he was so confused until I said, "I'm not crying because something's wrong Hoshi." "Then why were you crying?! I'm confused?" He said.

A/N: I'm sorry once again but give me credit for updating 😂 (I didn't write this just now during ssr😂or did I?)

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