Chapter 12

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I woke up at 6 am to get ready for school and man was I tired. However, I still had to get up because I needed to go to school even though I was tired. Just when I was gonna leave the dorms I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see one sleepy Hoshi. I giggled "Hey why are you up? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I asked Hoshi who seem to be blushing from my giggle which made be blush to. God hopefully he didn't see me blushing I thought. Just then I see him leaner closer to me wait? Is he gonna kiss me!? "Hoshi I nee-" my words where cut off my Hoshi kissing me? It took me a second realize what was going on but when I realized what was going on I started kissing him back. We kissed for what seemed like minutes when really it was just seconds. Once he pulled away I felt my cheeks burning up. "Good luck at school text me if anything happens or if you just miss me." He grinned and kissed me again but on my cheek this time and went back to his room before I could say anything. My cheeks where burning up even more because of the kiss he gave me on my cheek That jerk I thought but in reality I was happy. It took the whole bus ride to school to make by cheeks go back to normal. I got off the bus when I reached my bus stop to school. The bus I take normally drops me off across the school so all I have to do is cross the light to get to school which I good since I was too tired to walk. Just as I was gonna cross the light I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. When I turned around my heart and body stopped to see who it was. "J-Jackson?"

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