Chapter 20

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"I SAID COME OUT!" Jackson's uncle screamed and we all came out but not before I texted someone. As we all came out we didn't know what might happen but looks like we were gonna find out soon.
"So looks like some people were spying on us." Jackson's uncle grinned which made me want to vomit a bit. It's not that he was ugly it's just how he acted it disgusted me. "So you might of gotten everything on camera but that doesn't mean I'll let you give it to the police easily." Then he whistled and when he did a few men came inside the house however they weren't trouble for us."Now grab them and don't let them out from your hands." He said however the thing he didn't know was that all the men that were with him weren't on his side but our side which was gonna make this more fun however we still needed to put on a show to make it believable and so the person I texted would complete their part so we could finally finish this guy.

A/N: I'll write more later I just thought might as well update before the real thing starts😂Also sorry this chapter was short the next one won't be this short

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