Chapter 7

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I had woken up to get ready to go to practice and my foot didn't hurt as much as yesterday but I knew the pain would come back as some as I started to dance. I did my best for it not to seem like it hurt so I did my best to not limp which to tell you the truth I'm not sure if it was still obvious. Thankfully the members where all getting ready so I didn't have to worry to much of them paying attention to me. I was wearing a white shirt and some sweat pants since it was practice I also had a bandage wrapped all along my foot so it would give it some pressure to it so It wouldn't hurt as much and hopefully it wouldn't be seen.The thing that happened yesterday wasn't brought up which was good because I don't know if I could come up with a good excuse for why I left to my room. As soon as we got to the practice room I could feel my foot starting to hurt but I just ignored it for now at least. "All right! Let's start from the top!" Said Hoshi full of energy as usual. As soon as we were a minute into the song I knew I wouldn't last to practice the song another time as I could just feel my foot hurting from the jumping and dance moves in our song. Also since this song had many moves than our other songs but I still couldn't let them find out. I knew that if I kept moving my foot that I could hurt it even more but I was worried that everyone would find out that I was bullied by Jackson as his friends and that would just make it seem like I can't do anything. It's bad enough that I'm the youngest and everyone treats me like a baby and ignores me most of the time so I might as well try to do something myself instead of asking for help like a kid would do. As soon as the song ended I was sweating sooo much and was panting a lot that the members noticed. They all looked worried because I don't get tired easily also since I'm part of the performance team. "Hey? Are you okay?" I took me a few seconds to catch my breath again to answer. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine Hoshi why do you ask?" Hoshi looked like be was about to say something until he saw the bandage on my foot. Turns out my sweats had come up do to the jumping and stayed up because of my sweat. It wasn't to up but it was up to my ankle which explained Hoshi to realize something. "Oh it's nothing!" I said trying to make him believe me which didn't work. "What do you mean it's nothing why do you have a bandage on your foot!" As soon as he said that all the members had realized that too! "Great now what!" I said in my head trying to come up with something as an excuse.

Sorry for the bad writing skills I'm not a writer but what's gonna happen will Dino tell his members of will his members find out?

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