Chapter 50 -Smut?

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(Warning this chapter will contain some smut and let me just say, I'm not good at writing smut especially because....well I'm just not good😂 and this is also not proofread!)

Hoshi's POV (Finally a POV from Hoshi😂)

"Dino..? Are you afraid of me..?" I looked at Dino who wanted to cry. He then nodded. It broke my heart to see the person I love the most be hurt the most by me. I don't know what to do but I have to show him I care and love him.
"Dino.....look at me please..." he didn't answer nor look at me and it hurt. I grabbed his chin with my finger and made him face me. I felt my heart break from the sight I saw. He looked so fragile yet hurt as he was crying. I felt like I needed to protect him from anything and anyone. I needed to show him I'm not his father but his lover and hero. I needed to make him know I love him and I want to protect him.

I didn't let him finish as I pulled him into a kiss having one hand on the back of his head as my other hand was on his waist grabbing it and pulling him closer to me making him put his hands on my shoulders. We pulled back as soon as we needed air but before we can continue I had to tell him something important.
"Dino.....I'm not your father...I love you and I'm sorry if I scared you but I was afraid you were gonna get hurt that's why I did that. I felt the need to protect you from anything and anyone so I did what I did for you to be safe. You mean everything to me so please let me show you. Let me show you how much I care and love you."
"Y-yes....and thank mean everything to me too. I love you." Dino told me with tears in his eyes and I couldn't help but let a tear escape when he did the same.
"I love you too..."

(Warning! Cringy and bad Smut ahead! You've been warned!!)

(Still Hoshi's POV)

I then pull him into a kiss which he immediately responds back and I grabbed him by his hips to put him in the middle of the bed as I hovered over him not breaking the kiss. He then puts his hands on my neck as I have my hands on his hips. I then lick this bottom lip asking for an entrance. He immediately gasps but then opens this mouth wide enough for me to but my tongue in. He begins to moan and I swear I've never heard anything more beautiful in my life, other than his laugh. He grabs my hair as I then start to put one of my hands inside his shirt touching his stomach. I use my hand and explore his body as my other hand was under his head as I deepen to kiss more, making him moan more. I lift up his shirt with my hands and break the kiss along the process. He whimpers from the lost of touch but then arches his back when I suck one of his nipple. I feel him getting harder as I get harder too but from hearing his moans. I then take off his shirt including mine and attack his neck. I started to leave hickeys on his neck as he arched his back from pleasure.

"H-Hoshi......d-don't- ahhh....p-people will.....s-see.."
He barely manages to say this and it makes me happy to see and hear that he's enjoying this.
"It's o-okay I want p-people to see this..."
I then started to grind on his member as he pulled me by the neck and started to pant and moan as we kissed. I knew I couldn't take it much longer and would lose control.
I honestly didn't expect him to say that. However, after hearing him, I knew he wanted it as much as I did. I then started to take of the rest our clothes as I threw them on the floor not caring where they landed. As he then blushed and covered his naked body with his arms looking away from me. I knew our members weren't here anymore because I know they heard our moans so I didn't have to hold back.
"Don't cover yourself, baby~ your beautiful." I said to him as he gets teary but nods.
"Are you ready?"

For the rest of the night all you heard were the noises of our skins slapping as well as out moans. But as the night went on, the noises stopped and all that could be heard was our breathing.

"I love you Dino..."
"I love you too Hoshi...and thank you..." Dino said to me blushing.
"Ahhh!!! How are you sooooo cute!!!!!" I said as it made him blush even more.
" you think the members heard?"
"Oh Honey, I'm sure they did! You aren't quite you know?"
He didn't say anything else, instead he blushed hard and buried his face into my neck as I then chuckled and pulled up the blanket coving our bodies as we then fell into a deep slumber as we cuddled together.

"Night my love, love you."

"Love you too, Hosh...."


A/N: 😣I'M SORRY!!!! I was cringing at this because it was really bad!!! I'm sorry if it made you cringe too!!! This was my first time writing something like this!😣 that's why I couldn't continue to write more! I was like I can't do this! I'm sorry!!! Also the next chapter will be a time skip! But don't worry, it won't be a huge time skip but it will be a bit big of a time skip! Also this book will be ending soon but! A new book about Dino will come out. It might be a 'Dino X Seventeen' 🤔😉

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