Chapter 49

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(Not Proofread!!!! SORRY!!!)

Dino's POV

When I didn't feel the punch I opened my eyes to see Hoshi holding Kai's wrist. As I was trembling Hoshi was looking at Kai with pure anger as the rest of the members just stood behind Hoshi in shock just hoping nothing bad will happen.

"If you dare TOUCH, HURT, or even TALK to what's MINE..I swear I'll kill you myself!!" Hoshi said as he grabbed Kai's collar.

No One's POV

"HAHA! Your crazy! Do you really think you can beat me? I bet you don't even know everything about him! Well guess what! I DO!! So trust me, he belongs to me now!" With that Hoshi lost it as he threw a punch at Kai's face as Kai then fell on the floor. He then thew another and another as he heard the members yelling, telling him to stop but he didn't listen. That's until he was gonna hit him again that he felt a pair of hands stopping him. He looked to see it was Dino. When Hoshi saw Dino's expression all his anger went away and the emotion he then felt was guilt. Dino was crying and he was scared and weak so Hoshi stopped hitting Kai and let Kai stay on the floor since he couldn't move. However, before Hoshi went with Dino he looked at Kai and said, "I may not know everything about him but......I do know that I love him and I will learn more about him as the time goes by....sometimes it's best to not know everything about someone....sometimes it best to experience and learn about them and learn together." With that Hoshi walked away to Dino as he left Kai on the floor hurt and speechless as he finally realize what he had done and regretted it but, was to late to take it back. Time would only tell.

Hoshi walked over to Dino and hugged him as if he would never see him again if he did. As for the members, they helped Kai up and showed him to the way out after they cleaned the blood so fans and people wouldn't see. Hoshi then carried Dino bridal style and took him inside the dorm since Dino couldn't walk as he was tired and close to fainting. Woozi and Jun carried the stuff Dino had dropped on the floor. They all knew Kai was Dino's ex-best friend so they didn't have to worry to much of Kai being a complete stranger. However, they did worry about Dino getting hurt again but they made a promise not only to protect Dino from here and out but to also protect each other from any danger. The members then decided to stay in the living room and let Hoshi and Dino have some alone time in Dino's room.

Dino's POV

Hoshi carried me inside and took me to my room as I was trembling and stayed quiet. He then sat me down on my bed as he went over to my closet to get me some clean clothes. I stayed quiet looking down at my hands as they were on my lap. I was scared especially since I didn't know this side of Hoshi.

"Here." I looked up to see Hoshi with my clothes as I took them, "T-thanks...."

"Dino...?" I didn't respond.

"Dino..?" Hoshi then sat down next to me and he was about to touch me but I flinched before he did.

I felt Hoshi was in pain because of that, but I was scared...when he was beating up Kai it just reminded me of when my mom and I were beaten up by my.....father.


DON"T SKIP!!!!!!!

Do you just want a bit of Smut for the next chapter?!?!?!?! Yes or No?!

LET me know please!!!!!! Other than that enjoy your day. And Finally a Chapter!!! haha Sorry.💕

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