Chapter 16

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"What do you mean you know how he feels?" Hoshi asked coming closer to me and looking me in the eyes.

"Look Hoshi nows not the time ok. I need to deal with this first." I looked back at Jackson who was surprised by everything I said but I ignored it and continued to talk. "Ok my condition is we need to turn in you uncle I know it's risky but we need to ok?"

"I understand and I agree, look I know he's my uncle but I don't consider him was family ok. Look I think I might now a way to get him arrested and to make him admit everything he did but I'm gonna need to make some calls and your gonna have to help me."

"Ok fine but when should we do it Jackson"

"Today or else we won't get other chance. So lets go and I'll make the calls on the way I have my ways of contacting people fast." He winked at me and I could sense Hoshi glaring at him so I played along with it to and I knew Jackson knew what I was trying to do.

"Ok! Oh and Jackson thanks." I hugged him and told him "Play along he deserves it." and I could tell Hoshi was mad but he deserved it especially since he hit me and it still hurt by the way.

"Ok lets go!" Jackson grabbed my hand that's when Hoshi lost it.


Jackson nodded then said "umm-I..ok I think I'm gonna make the calls first I'll be back meanwhile you guys can talk thing out I'll be right back." and with that Jackson left to make the calls leaving me and Hoshi alone to talk. I didn't feel like talking to him at the moment because I was scared and nervous of what might happened. "I don't feel like talking. I'm going to find Jackson." With that I turned around trying to walk away when Hoshi grabbed my wrist making me turn around to face him. I was gonna say something when he said. "Please..t-talk to me." Is he crying?!

A/N: I know that was lame. Sorry.😂

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