Chapter 46

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Dino's POV

I woke up to see Hoshi and I sleeping on my bed and no longer on the couch. We were facing each other but the only difference was that I was awake. He was hugging me as my hands where on his chest which to be honest I felt my cheeks burning up. I was no longer was sick but I was tired, but I mean I had to go to school today as I had to present today with Daehwi otherwise I wouldn't have gone. But then again it's better than being here because all the members are loud and crazy.

I know the members didn't want me to go to school today because I wasn't feeling well yesterday but also because of what happened yesterday but I had to go I know if I stayed home they would end up annoying me and trying to make me feel better.

I slowly and quietly got out of bed without waking up Hoshi which was really hard as he didn't want to let go of me but somehow I managed to get out from his grip.

I washed up and got ready for school, as quickly and quietly I could. After that, I went out to door but not before giving Hoshi a quick kiss on the lips without waking him up.

As soon as I got my stuff and closed the door I got a text from Daehwi saying his mom could take me to school which was amazing because no one could take me today (members are sleeping and the manger and staff are busy or sleeping as well) and I didn't want to wake them up nor wait for the bus.

"Good morning....." I said, as I got inside the car.
"Good morning, son." Daehwi's mom said to me as I put on my seat belt.
"Uh, hello? I'm here too you know!" Daehwi said, as Daehwi's mom and I laughed.
"Good morning Daehwi." I said laughing.
"Thank you!" Daehwi said as we all laughed.
"Thank you for the" I said smiling as she smiled that I called her mom.
"I....well...your mom called me and she told me that your aunt...passed away....I'm sorry honey...I know she was like another mom to you." Daehwi's mom said to me as she looked at me as I got a bit teary that a tear fell.
"Oh, I'm sorry..." I said as I wiped the tear away only to have another and another fall.
"Don't" I looked at Daehwi who gave me a tissue.
"Thanks...." I said as I took it and wiped my tears away.
"I'm sorry....I shouldn't have brought it up...I made you cry...I'm sorry, please forgive me." I looked at Daehwi's mom who looked soo sad that she made me cry.
"No, it's okay, you don't need to just wanted to know if I was okay....don't apologize." I said looking at her with a smile.
"It's okay, really. Plus I might not have my aunt anymore who was like another mother to me but.....your like another mother to me....I may have lost her but I still have another...mother." I said now smiling but still crying.
"Omg!! Ahhhh I'm gonna cry!!!" Daehwi's mom said as her eyes got teary.
"Oh! Please don't cry!" I said now panicking.
"Mom....don't cry." Daehwi said as I looked at him as now he was a bit teary. Which then made me get more teary. (Sooo many tears that I'm crying now! *wipes tears*)

As soon as we got to school I thanked her as Daehwi and me got off to go to class. "I'll pick you guys up!" I heard her yell before he drove off which made us laugh.
"I'm....glad." Daehwi said as we stopped walking and I looked at him. "Thank you, Dino." He said as I was confused. 'Why is he thanking me? I should be the one thanking him!'
"Why are you thanking me? I should be the one thanking you and your mom." I said as he looked up at me.
"Haha but you've made not only my mom happy too! Your like a brother I never had." He said as I hugged him.
"And you and your mom are like another family to me and you are like a brother to me too. Thank you."
After that we decided to get to class and surprisingly the day went fast. We ended up getting an 'A' on the presentation which was amazing as we were also the only ones who got an 'A' as everyone else either got a 'B' or 'C' however only three groups got an 'F' as they didn't even do the project.

I was packing my things when I decided to turn on my phone only to see that I had so many notifications. I had '40 missed calls' and '104 messages' and they were all from my members but especially Hoshi. I decided to turn off my phone and pretend like I never saw them as I went to meet up with Daehwi and wait for his mom to pick us up.

This is gonna be a long day after all....

A/N: I'm sorry!!! I was meant to update the next day after the last chapter but I didn't and I'm sorry!! I can't believe it's been 5 days since I last updated! I'm sorry! Also idk why I always end up writing my stories sooo late at night when I know my brain doesn't work that much at night!😂 it's currently 12:02 a.m and I decided to write this chapter!😂 so sorry if I made many mistakes! Please let me know and enjoy this chapter! Love you guys and thank you for 3.48k reads!!! Bye~

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