Chapter 9

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"I..ummm..I-I I'm sorry." I said avoiding eye contact with everyone. Hoshi stopped hugging Dino and looked at him trying to make the younger look at him but it didn't seem to work. "Dino look at me please!" Hoshi said grabbing Dino's hand only to have it slip away from his. "Hey umm.. Dino is someone bullying you at school?" Asked Vernon with a soft voice. I didn't take long for the members to realize that was the problem because I began to tear up again but this time my tears were like a river one tear coming down after another. I nodded as everyone looked at me with wide and angry eyes. "WHO THE HELL IS IT AND WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US!" Hoshi yelled as the members looked at him in shock. Hoshi must of realized that it was a mistake of him to yell at me as I began to tear up even more with more tears coming down my face not stopping. Before Hoshi could apologize I yelled back at him. "I'M SORRY OKAY!! BUT THIS WAS NOT YOUR PROBLEM IT WAS MINE!! I DIDNT TELL YOU GUYS BECAUSE IT WOULD JUST PROVE THAT-" I realize that I just made a mistake because the only thing I didn't want them to know was how useless I felt being the youngest and having every one else being better at everything than me. I looked to see at everyone's faces only to see sadness in all their eyes and how I knew I made a huge mistake of not telling them. I thought it was best not to but turns out it was worst. As soon as I saw all their faces at looked back to see Hoshi with the saddest expression out of all of them. He had tears in his eyes! Tears! I don't know why but it hurt me sooo much to see him like this not even the other's expressions hurt me as much as his. Did I love him? I mean I love how he takes care of me and how he looks at me but that wasn't it. I also loved how he talked to me and how he showed his love to me but I knew I can't love someone who's my team mate especially someone I love and care about soo much. It was confirmed that I loved Hoshi and not just as a friend but more but I knew that it would never happen and just thinking of that made me start to tear up more knowing that someone I love won't love me the same. Hoshi hugged me again but when he did I could see the rest of the members leaving the room which could only mean Hoshi told them. I wasn't ready to be left alone especially with him knowing how I feel for him. I hugged Hoshi back and we stayed like that for a few minutes until he broke the hug. We both stared at each other for minutes just looking at eachother's eyes and I swear it seem like we both loved each other I was about to say something until he broke the silence. "Dino I have to ask you something but please don't hate me." He said looking at me with watery eyes. "Y-yes?"

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