Chapter 28

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*sighs* "Ok I'm going to tell you guys about my past but on two conditions." They nodded and I sighed. "Ok my condition is for none of you to interrupt me until I finish, also don't judge me nor my past because what I'm gonna tell you is what happened to me." They just nodded and I began to talk not looking and them but my feet. "When I was a little kid things were....well not great. As you all know you guys never met my father, and only heard the voice of my mother though the phone right?" I looked up and they nodded. "Well their was a reason for that you father was an amazing father and he was nice however that all changed when..." I closed my eyes and breathed in and out because of what I'm gonna tell them hurt me and It was sad but it was my childhood once I opened my eyes I looked up and I saw them looking at me with sadness but I ignored it for now and looked back down and continued. "Well...until he got fired for hitting his boss in the face and hitting on a his wife." They gasped but I ignored it once more. "That night my mom receive the phone call of what had happen and why he was fired and my mom was heartbroken but at the same time she was mad at him for doing this to me and her." I looked up to see their faces then back down and continued. "That night I was hanging out with friends so I came home late. However, as soon as I was in front of the door I heard yelling and things being smashed on the wall. I-I was scared because I didn't know what was happening." I felt Hoshi's hand rubbing my back and saying 'I'm sorry' I continued after breathing in and out. "When I opened the door I saw my mom on her knees on the floor all beaten up and bleeding from her forehead and holding a knife to protect her from my father who was getting closer to her. I saw alcohol bottles on the floor and one on his hand almost empty and I knew he was drunk. When my mom saw me she 'run' I didn't know what to do I was frozen from fear." I started to tear up but hold the tears in because I knew if I started to cry I would break down in tears and wouldn't be able to stop. I knew the members were shocked, sad, and some were crying but I didn't dare look up or else I would cry too. "My father turned around and saw me and then he began to walk towards me and then...h-he threw me to the floor. He started to hit me and punch me until my mom got up and ran to him to throw a glass bottle on his head. He fainted from that and next thing I knew I heard the police and the sirens coming. I didn't know who had called the police but I was guessing it must of been one of our neighbors. I started to get up and went to my mom who was scared and she looked at me and hugged me and she started crying of course I did too because I was just sad that I couldn't do anything and that, that man was my father. When the police arrived they arrest my father and took him to jail. As for my mom she was taken to the hospital to get her injuries taken care of as for me, I was also taken to the hospital to get my injuries taken care of but after they finished they had told me that it was most likely that my father left my mother traumatized and that she was gonna need therapy. I only nodded because I didn't know what to say. Of course for the few days I took care of my mom and myself but after those days I had to go back to school. I didn't want to go back to school because I knew that everyone knew what had happened and the saddest part was that after these days none of my friends came to see if I was ok...not even my best friend." I felt a tear roll down my face as I said that last part. Hoshi just hugged me but then pulled away. "When I went back to school no one talked to me not even my best friend. People would always talk behind my back I didn't know if it was good or bad but I didn't care anymore. Every time I tried to make conversation with my best friend he would avoid me and I didn't know why. However one day when I got home I had gotten a text from him saying 'I'm sorry but I can't be friends with you anymore.' I didn't know what to do, he was my best friend the only person I trusted and in the end he said that I mean how could he." I felt tears rolling down my cheeks but ignored it because I was almost done talking. "With that my mom and I moved and started fresh and that's when I audition to be a trainee and now I'm here." I felt tears rolling down my cheeks then the members said "Were sorry...we didn't know." I looked up at them and when they saw my face they were heartbroken because I was crying and it hurt them to see me crying especially since I'm the one who never cries welp now they've seen me cry for the second time. However, I was relieved I told them because I know that I can trust them unlike my best friend. They all got up at the same time and I was confused but then they all walked to me and pulled me up and hugged me. I didn't what to do but in the end I was hugging them while crying and smiling. Then I said "Thank you hyungs I love you guys."

A/N: ok soooooo, what did you guys think about his past? It wasn't toooo sad right? Hopefully not and if it was I'm sorry but just know it could of been worst. Also I'm sorry about my bad writing skills I know I'm a bad writer but I'm trying to improve it so let me know what to fix. (I might end up editing some parts for it to make more sense and better)Also, who's Dino's best friend? hmmmm any guesses?😂

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