Chapter 25

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As we entered the dorms we saw all the members where in the living room each doing something. Joshua and Vernon were playing video games on the tv. Jeonghan and Seungkwan were watching them play while waiting for their turn. Jun was just laying on the couch with his head on Th8's thigh while Th8 was reading a book. (JunHao sorry but I ship) As for S.coups, Mingyu, and Wonwoo they were eating noodles in the living room while watching the others play games. Finally Woozi was playing his guitar and Dk was singing to the beat of the guitar. As the door closed they all turned around and saw that I was all beaten up and that Hoshi was helping me stand up. I didn't feel like explaining everything right now because I was tried and knew they would ask a lot of questions and that's just gonna take forever but I might as well get it over with. "Hey, remember I'll help you to explain everything ok?" Hoshi said and I nodded at him. "WHAT HAPPENED?" They all yelled at the same time which made me laugh but if course I forgot that makes my stomach hurt and so I let out a grunt from the pain and with that Hoshi took me to the couch and I sat down. "So??? Are any of you two gonna explain to us?" S.coups said as all the members where just looking at me. "Who do I need to beat up with my guitar?" Woozi said as I chuckled but only to see he was serious as well as the rest of the members. "ARE YOU GONNA TELL US OR NOT?!" They all screamed at the same time again but I knew better than not to laugh at the moment as they were all serious. Hoshi just looked at me and gave me a nod and smile as 'go on.' I took a deep breath and  finally looked at them and said, "'s like this.."

A/N: the part where Woozi said "who do I need to beat up with my guitar" that wasn't my idea it was "NovaWolf1803" idea. I didn't really know how to put that line in so sorry 😂 (I should of put it in when they entered the dorms but oh well) anyways enjoy this part and as always let me know if I made a mistake because I'm sure I always do.

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