Chapter 31

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Dino's POV

After I took a bath, I put my clothes on. I put on the clothes Hoshi picked out for me and thankfully they were what I usually wear to sleep. It was a white t-shirt and gray sweats which were comfortable and thank god because I just bought them. To be honest the pain was still there but it was getting better as in, I can walk by myself but I have to walk slow or else I'll hurt but I needed to try to at least walk so I don't brother my members who have already help me. After I put my phone to charge next to my bed I put it on my dresser next to me and decided to get some sleep before my members woke me up to eat. To be honest I was exhausted and just after lying in bed for three minutes I pasted out and fell into a deep sleep.

Hoshi's POV

After Dino got into the shower I left his room and went into the living so he could sleep, however, that wasn't the only reason I left I was still cursing at myself for what I said to him. He must of thought I was a pervert but I don't know what overcame me as I didn't care like if I wanted to say that. Ugh! It's his fault for kissing me like that but, then again I did enjoy it and I was glad and hopefully soon I could take him out on a date and I know that the fans will except our relationship if we told them but I knew Dino wasn't ready yet, especially after what he's been through. Once I entered the living room the members were looking at me with a smirk on their faces. "What took you soo long?" Jun said as the other looked at me with smirks on their faces. "I-I was h-helping him pick out his clothes and get the b-bath ready. NOTHING ELSE BUT THAT OK!"
"Wow, chill dude we were just asking hahaha." Vernon said as the rest of them laughed. "Ok lets get started with the food. I've decided instead of noodles today that I'd make something else and more healthier well...also some meat haha" Mingyu said and that others were already cheering and drooling from just think about it. "Alright! Your all gonna help me, so let's go and start." Mingyu said as the others didn't waste a second to get up from the couch to help out.

Dino's POV. (The italic parts are basically Dino's mind talking and the parts that aren't italic is him talking in his sleep.)

"Your worthless, your a burden, why are you even here, you couldn't protect your mom, you lost your best friend, you lost everything." Dino was dreaming these words as tears started to fall.  "NO, YOUR WRONG! I tried to help her but I couldn't...I...couldn't!"             "See, you couldn't how sad. You lost everything and everyone your ALONE!                                "NO! YOUR WRONG I DIDN'T LOSE EVERYTHING." "Who are you joking or course you did. HAHAHA." "NO I DIDN'T, I HAVE MY MOM MY MEMBERS, MY FRIENDS, AND I..I HAVE HOSHI I'M NOT ALONE SO STOP SAYING I'M ALONE I'M NOT! I'M NO LONGER ALONE. I not...alone."

"Dino! WAKE UP!" That voice sounded familiar it made me calm but who is it?

A/N: Short chapter sorry~ Anyways I'll try to write the next chapter today but no promises. Also where I live it's like really hot right now and I can't stand the heat like I really want ice cream or boba *sighs* man I don't like warm weather. Also I'm meant to be doing homework but I can't focus *sighs* I'll just watch and listen to Kpop videos/songs that sound better. Haha just kidding well...kind of. Also you guys already know I make mistakes so sorry but as always tell me. :) Have a great day/night everyone.

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