Chapter 36

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"Of course Daehwi knew about my past, he's my best friend." I said as I could tell Hoshi was jealous but he shouldn't be after all he doesn't own me.
"Wait, he's your best friend? I thought I was! Why is he your best friend and not me?" Hoshi said beginning to get mad as the members looked at him almost like if they were mad at him but mostly due to his behavior. I started to get annoyed because he doesn't know anything Daehwi has been through and how he understood me. "How come I'm not your best friend? Also why did he know your past and not me or the rest of the members first." I could tell the other members were curious about that too but they didn't ask in a rude way like Hoshi. Plus this wasn't even the conversation we were gonna have! I was gonna talk about my dream and why I was crying.
"I don't understand why your getting mad? It's not like you've been there for me from the start! Plus I wouldn't be talking bad about Daehwi because you don't even know what he's been through!" I yelled at Hoshi because it wasn't fair for me to get yelled at and for him to get mad at Daehwi when he didn't even know what's been going on especially after all these years.
"What do you mean I've never been there for you!" Hoshi said now getting even more mad. "See! You don't even know! The reason I said you've never been there for me is because you never listened nor payed attention to me. However Daehwi did! He was my first friend I made starting high school! After everything I've been through! He and I started talking and he told me about his life and what he's been through and that's when I realized that he and I weren't that different, in fact if anything he's had a worst past then me. The point is, he never made fun or me, he didn't judge me for who I was, and overall he didn't think selfish nor did he ever make me sad he was by my side for everything when you guys weren't." I said now close to tears but I figured it wasn't worth to cry over, especially since I wanted to explain why I had been crying and go to sleep, after all I wasn't mad at any of my members but Hoshi.
"Look I'm sorr-" Hoshi was about to apologize but I cut him off because I was bad at him but it was just best to explain my dream and excuse myself and go to my room. "Look, I don't care anymore I just came to tell you guys why I was crying, I didn't come here to fight nor push you guys away, I'm just gonna tell you want you guys wanted to know and then I'll go to my room and sleep." I was looking at Hoshi this entire time and once I finished saying that I turned around to look at my other members who just stayed silent this entire time. I could tell Hoshi felt guilty but then again he was selfish.
"Sorry Dino....we didn't know you've been through this."Joshua said as the other nodded. I sighed and said, "Look it's none of your fault ok? So don't blame yourself," I said as they nodded. "Ok then let me tell you guys why I was crying."
"Ok we're listening." Jeonghan said. As then I began to tell them my dream.

(You guys know his dream so I don't really need to explain, also because I'm lazy to write about him explaining to his members XD)
"WHY DID YOU DREAM THAT?!" They all said at the same time and to be honest I feel like we've been hanging out together a bit to much as they say the same thing in sync but then again we aren't called the kings of synchronizing for nothing.
"Look, it's not like I wanted to dream it! But you guys never let me finish." I said. "Oooohh sorry go on" They said. "I realized that in the end I'm no longer alone and that I have you guys and that I'm not weak nor suffering alone anymore because I have people who care about me so that's why I said not to worry when you guys saw me crying just now."
"Well...we're glad everything fine now but we got like that because we worry and love you so just tell us when you feel sad or mad or if you just fell like talking." S.coups said as I sighed and smiled at them and said, "Thank you guys! Well now if you excuse me I'm going to brush my teeth and get ready for bed because I'm still pretty tired." I said as they just nodded and said good night. I smiled once again but before I could get up Hoshi got up first and said, "Here let me help you." He said as I didn't want to argue at the moment so I just sighed and nodded. I didn't really need help to walk but I mean I walked pretty slow and I didn't want to stay longer than I need that's why I said ok to Hoshi, plus I need to talk to him and I'm pretty sure he wanted to talk too. Once we entered my room he guided me to the restroom to I could brush my teeth and get ready to bed. Once I got out of the restroom I saw that Hoshi had gotten my bed ready for me to go to sleep. As Hoshi walked me to my bed he sat me down on the edge of the bed and said, "Look I'm sorry I know you're mad at me but look I can't help it I'm just mad  and jealous that's all ok? Please don't be mad ok I get he's your friend and all but just know I don't want to share you because well...your my everything." I was blushing hearing this. "It's ok haha, look I get it I would of gotten jealous too." I said. "What really? You're not mad?" He said surprised. "*Sighs* Yes! And I'm not mad." I said chuckling. Just then he kisses my passionately. I then pull back before things get intense which made him sad but then I said something that made him happy. "Hoshi can you sleep with me tonight?" Once I said that he hugged me tight and said, "Yes!!!" Once he pulled away from the hug he went to turn of the lights as we went to sleep cuddling together and not letting go.

A/N: Yay! I updated XD sorry but I've been busy and thinking on what to write. Anyways hope you enjoy and tell me for any mistakes as I was meant to be sleeping already but I wrote this now so sorry but mistakes.

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