Chapter 47

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Dino's POV

I was waiting with Daehwi for his mom to come but I didn't feel like going home. I wanted a day for myself without the members here trying to make me happy. Even though I appreciate them doing so.

"Hey Dino?" Daehwi spoke as I looked at him.


"My mom- well our mom was wondering if you want to go shopping with us? She really wants you to join, do you want to?" He said as I could tell he also wanted me to come. I also wanted to go because I didn't want to go home.

"Yeah! Let's go! But let me text one of my members real quick." I said as he was happy I was going.

~Group Chat~

Dino: Hey guys! Sorry for not answering your calls and messages but I was busy and my phone is about to die.

Dino: I just wanted to say real quick that I'm gonna hangout with Daehwi and his mom today! Don't worry about me I'm fine. I'll be home later. Bye I got to go now my phone is about to die but bye!

After that I turned off my phone so no one would bother me as today I was gonna hangout with with two special people and I wanted to enjoy the time together. A few mites later 'mom' came as Daehwi and I got in and we went to the mall as we talked and laughed along the way there.

~At the mall~

As soon as we entered the mall we went to the clothes store to buy some new clothes as 'mom' said she wanted to buy me clothes which I didn't want her to waste money but she really wanted to so I couldn't say no. After walking into different stores in the mall we had boughten a lot of things but we mostly bought clothes.

 After walking into different stores in the mall we had boughten a lot of things but we mostly bought clothes

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(A/N: It took a long time to do the collage so that's why I didn't update earlier)

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(A/N: It took a long time to do the collage so that's why I didn't update earlier)

After shopping we decided to go to a café in the mall to eat something before leaving and thank god because I was starving! I got a strawberry smoothie and a piece of cake while Daehwi got the same but a banana smoothie instead. As for 'mom' she got a coffee and a strawberry cake.

"Did you have fun Dino?" Daehwi's mom asked me.

"I did! Thank you!" I said smiling.

After we ate we decided to call it a day and go home. I said, 'Thank you' and 'goodnight' to them and just as soon I was gonna open the door to the dorms I heard someone calling my name.

"DINO!" I turned around to see that the person calling my name wasn't a member but......

my ex-best friend.....

A/N: Ok, first off I like to apologize to you guys for a awful chapter/update! Also, I'm sorry for updating late! Something happened (someone I know went to the hospital) and I was worried I just couldn't write anything. Thankfully that person is okay now so I don't have to worry. That's also the reason why I didn't update sooner. Please understand that.


Who's Dino's Ex-Best Friend!?🤔😂

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