Chapter 3

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Hoshi's POV
Damn why am I like this I know I love Dino more than just a friend but I can't get my feelings get in the way of our friendship especially since we're members and that'll just ruin things right? Ugh I wanted to tell him I love him but I can't because what if he doesn't love me the same? I should of said something before he left but then again maybe I should figure out what's going on since he seems more quiet and distracted I wonder what's gonna on? All I want to do is protect him and be with him that's all right?
Dino's POV
As I got to school I heard the bell ring to get to class and as soon as I went up the stairs I was pushed to a wall. I dropped everything I was carrying and for some reason when I hit the wall my foot started hurt and I was gonna check what I hit when I was interrupted by a punch in my stomach. "Owwww what the hell!" I said not realizing it was Jackson from Got7. "Damn I'm in trouble now!" I said in my head. "Well..well if it isn't Dino from Seventeen the famous boy group!" Jackson said as he was getting ready to punch me again when he was stopped by Bambam. "Jackson stop before you get caught the teacher is coming you can't get in trouble again of else we' know your dad will-" "SHUT UP I know damn" Jackson said as he interrupted Bambam then left. However Bambam was still there just looking at me with sad eyes? It seem like he wanted to say something but didn't and just left. I was trying to forget what just happened however when I tried to stand up my foot started hurting so much that I fell back down. "Oh great I'm in trouble now." I thought as I saw my friend Daehwi running to me and taking me to the nurse's office.

P.s I didn't read it before publishing so if  I made a mistake sorry!

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