Chapter 44

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Dino's POV

I woke up feeling better but I still had a tiny fever and a headache but no longer the feeling to throw up which was amazing. After I had that talk with the members last night they left my room so I can get some rest and I was happy to have members, friends, and family like them. I decided to get out of bed and take a shower to start my day because I didn't want to be in bed all day. I had school tomorrow as well and I didn't want to miss it just because I was sick, plus we had to present our project (Daewhi's and Dino's project) plus I felt better. After my shower, I grabbed my phone to see many notifications, but only one got my interest. It was a message from my mom?

Mom- Hey, sorry for not contacting you in a while. I heard you've been through a lot and I'm sorry I couldn't come to see you and talk to you. It's been busy and your aunt got sick and I didn't have my phone with me since I didn't have money to pay the bill since I used it to pay for your aunts health- oh but don't worry I have money now! Don't give me money because I won't except it! Haha I love you honey. So how you've been?

Wow I couldn't believe what I just heard? Man I felt so bad for my mom even everything she's been through she cares about my health first. But wait! What about my aunt is she ok?! Should I tell her about my relationship with Hoshi?

Dino- Hey mom!!! Don't worry it's ok and I'm fine now the members are taking care of me! Don't worry too much about me worry about yourself first! But wait! What about aunt? Is she ok?!

Mom- ummm, honey I'm sorry but....your aunt..well she.....passed away. I'm sooooo sorry honey, but you know she happy now. She knew her time was coming and she told me not to be sad. She told me that not to cry but to be happy for her because she's no longer suffering. I know you don't know this but she's been sick for a while now and we'll she knew it was time. I'm sooooo sorry honey, and that you had to find out this way but please know your aunt didn't want to worry you.

I felt tears falling non stop. I loved my aunt soooo much! She was like a second mother to me. After my grandma died she was there for me when my mom couldn't be there. But I'm sooo mad at myself because I didn't know she was even sick! But I know she didn't want me to know because she didn't want me to worry and she also wouldn't want me to be sad but I still couldn't help but cry. I know she's in a better place now, but after hearing this I was starting to think if I should tell her about Hoshi? I know this probably isn't the best time to tell her but I need too.

Dino- Mom, I'm sooooo sorry! I know you loved her soooo much. But mom, I know this isn't the best time time and this might break your heart but I need to tell you something and it's that well... I'm gay. I'm soooooo sorry mom!!! I'm sorry!!

Mom- Dino I'm not mad! I'm happy! Do you know how worried I was that you were gonna have a girlfriend and there would be another girl! I'm happy Dino because I want to be the only women in your life! Hahaha I'm sorry son, but I'm soooo happy for you! And let me guess it's Hoshi right? If it is I'm sooooo happy and if it's not well I'm still happy for you!!

Wait she knew?! I'm sooo happy I don't know what I did to deserve this mother. We kept talking abut everything and what I've done, how school was going, but I didn't tell her about me getting sick and still having a fever. She also wanted to know more about my relationship with Hoshi and it made me happy. I may of been happy but after we talked I thought about my aunt and how I'll miss her.

A/N: I'll try to update later today. And sorry for this sad chapter. But be prepared just in case I write something like this again or if I write something with a lot of drama. However, I'll try not too. Anyways sorry for any mistakes.

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