Chapter 22

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He had punched me on the stomach and you know what he wasn't that weak. I could see Hoshi getting all mad at him and looking worried when looking at me. However we still had to put this act on because who knows if his employees are somewhere around here waiting to come out. I felt another punch but this time it was in the face. My legs became weak but I still had to continue this so I started to provoke him.

"You know what, you aren't so thought and smart how's that." I asked him as his face became red from anger. "You know...I don't know why I pity you, your just an old hag useless and stupid why di-" He interpreted me from saying anything else by hitting me multiple times in the face and stomach that I started to bleed from my mouth because of a cut on my lip and I was starting to lose consciousness but I continued to stay awake for a little longer well until the police came. I could hear Hoshi screaming saying to let him go and that to leave me alone and I could see Jackson's face in guilt because he didn't know this was gonna happen, well he did know but he didn't think I was gonna be this bad. He pulled my hair making me face him and I swear if I wasn't feeling weak and if I wasn't being held by someone I swear I would of punched him but I can't. He grinned while looking at me and said, "Not so tough now are we hee." He disgusted me but soon enough he would pay. He punched me a few times more and this time as he was gonna punch me again but was stopped by Hoshi? Turns out Hoshi had convinced the men to let him go and now Hoshi was beating the crap out of Jackson's uncle. The man that was holding me let me go and put me in the corner of the room while he and the other man went to find the employees that were hiding so they wouldn't hurt us. As Hoshi was beating him Jackson came running to my side trying to help me. As Hoshi was winning and beating him I heard police and  sirens outside and all I thought was "thank god."

A/N: I decided to not be lazy and update sorry for any mistakes or errors please let me know so I can fix it. Oh and when I put "hee" that's basically him laughing but in like a grinning way you know?

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