Chapter 13

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   I couldn't believe it, it was Jackson out of all the people why him?! I knew something bad was gonna happened I felt it but as always I ignore that feeling. "What do you want!" I said in a angry tone. Of course I would I was angry why wouldn't I be after all he made my life awful. "Oh, acting all tough now are we but don't think for a second you won just because you made me get expelled!" Jackson said with anger in his eyes but also with pain like if he was sad? No that can't be right? "Oh, really because from what I heard your friends or should I say "friends" stopped talking to you in fact they are actually popular at school now because turns out they didn't like to hang out with you because you made them act like someone they weren't. They told me they only acted that way because they wanted to helped you change but you would always pushed them away." I could see he was ready to punch me but I didn't care because I said everything he needed to hear so he can see that he actually had friends but he was just to dumb to see that. "WHY YOU I'M GONN-" Jackson was about to punch me when he was stopped by Hoshi? "YOUR GONNA WHAT HUH!" Hoshi yelled at him and I could tell he was furious which kind of scared me to. "WHO ARE YOU?! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO-" Jackson didn't get to finish his sentence because Hoshi had punch him in the stomach so hard that he fell to the floor grabbing his stomach from the pain. "W-WHY YOU-" Jackson stopped talking when he saw how angry Hoshi was. "DON'T YOU EVER COME NEAR HIM DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" I couldn't believe what I saw hearing and seeing but then again I'm glad this happened. Jackson nodded and said "F-Fine I understand I-I'm sorry." I couldn't believe it h-he apologized? I didn't know what to say but when I finally did the only thing that could come out from my mouth was "Why did you do it?"

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