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~One Year Later~ (Not Proofread!)

Dino's POV

I was currently cuddling with Hoshi as we sat on our bed while we watched a movie. As we watched the movie I started to think about everything thats happened so far. It's been a year since Kai came and since Hoshi and I took our relationship to the next level. However, ever since that day a lot of things had happened, both good and bad.

I was no longer in high school since I had graduate not that long ago and it felt great. I was no longer having to stress myself as much as before. Daehwi's mom had gotten her dream job and as well as a boyfriend. As for Daehwi, he also has a boyfriend and has been extremely happy. For my members, they've been doing great and have been happier too and let just say, I feel like some have a crush on each other. My mother also found a boyfriend and it just so happens to be the brother of Daehwi's mom. I felt happy, not only for her but for everyone because they deserved it.

Finally, as for Hoshi and I, well....let's just say we've never been so in love with each other and we both don't know what we would do without each other. As for our fans, we told them about our relationship we have and believe it or not, they supported us. I was so grateful for all I have and for everyone who has been there for me. I know things will get hard along the way but, I know I can move forward because I'm no longer alone as I have people caring, protecting, and loving me along the way.

"Dino?" I heard Hoshi say snapping me out of my thought.

"Huh? Did you say something?" I said as I looked at him.

"Yeah I did....are you okay?" He said sitting a bit up to look at me better.

"I'm fine, why?" I asked as I had my arms crossed and my back on the pillow.

"It's cause you seem to be in deep thought and I was kissing your neck but you didn't even notice." He said as I blushed and touched my neck to feel it wet.

".......I'm sorry, I was thinking."

"About?" He asked me as he was getting more worried.

"I was just thinking about everything that's happened so far last year. I was thinking about how grateful I am to have everyone," I said as I whispered the last word and looked away as one of my hands was a fist covering my mouth and the other under my elbow of my arm that was covering my face.

"I'm sorry? What did you say? Especially who?" He said as he smirked leaning closer to me.Tease.



"Aish! You heard me!"

"No I didn't, what did you say?"

"Ugh! I said....y-you," I said as I still didn't look at him.

He chulcked, "Why are you blushing?"

"I'm n-not!"


"I'm mmff-"

I didn't get to finish as he pulled my wrist that was covering my mouth and pulled me into a kiss. I tried to pull away from the kiss with my other hand as I pushed his chest but he didn't let me go as he then grabbed my waist with his other hand. I knew I couldn't get out of this so I gave in as I melted into the kiss. He then hovered over me and then broke the kiss. We both were out of breath and then he broke the silence. "You look amazing." I was blushing but I didn't get to say anything as he kissed me again but this time it was more heated but filled with love. I knew what was gonna happen next as I'm glad none of the members were here because.....this was gonna be a long night but I happy that it's him with me.

A/N: Here you go! A bad and awful last chapter! Just remember there will be a Epilogue as the final chapter and that's it. After that, the book will be over. Thank you again and sorry for the bad chapter.😭💕

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