Chapter 48. Part 1/2

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Dino's POV (Not proofread!)

"K-kai?" I felt my heart beating fast and my breathing getting faster as I saw him coming closer but he wasn't smiling nor sad he just had a blank expression which seem....sad? All the memories came rushing back as I dropped my bag with the stuff I bought and my head started to pound fast.
"D-dino? It's me.....your best friend." He said as he stood in front of me. No words came out from my mouth because I was shock and scared. I was trembling and breathing hard as I heard my own heart beating. I saw him but I chose not to believe it was him.
"Dino..." He said lifting one of his hands up as my eyes widen but I finally found my voice to speak.
"NO!! GET AWAY!!" I yelled at him as he was gonna touch my cheek with his hand! "GET AWAY FROM ME KAI!!! AND BEST FRIEND?! YOUR NOT MY BEST FRIEND YOU LEFT ME REMEMBER! YOU LEFT ME WHEN I NEEDED YOU THE MOST BY MY SIDE!! GET OUT AND NEVER COME NEAR ME!!" I yelled- no I screamed at him from the top of my lungs. I was crying and shaking but most of all I was...mad.
"D-dino? I'm sorry..."
"What?" I looked at him as he seemed serious but I can't forgive him so that means I can't fall for this even if he was serious.
"Dino I'm sorry! I know what I did wasn't fair for you! I'm sorry I left your side when you needed me the most! I'm sorry for ever hurting you when you trusted me to always be there for you! I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise to always be there for you! I know I don't deserve your love and friendship at all but please....forgive me!"
I was in shock I didn't know what to say but there was only one thing I could say for now.
"Ok....I accept your apology."
"What really?! Wait so that mean that-" I interrupted him before he can continue.
"I accept your apology but...that's doesn't mean I forgive you."
"But Dino-" He grabs my collar and it makes my eyes widen from fear and tears. I felt weak because I couldn't get out from his grip. I felt useless.
"Please l-let go!" I said but he doesn't seem to listen to me and pulls me closer with one hand one my collar and the other on my waist.
"Dino I-"


A/N: Finally an update!!!! I'm sorry I know I keep apologizing for not updating when I say I'm going to but idk the weather makes me lazy and I have homework to do over summer vacation so that's why I don't write when I want to that's why this is chapter is part 1/2 because this wasn't gonna be the whole chapter/part but I felt like I needed to publish something! FINALLY if you don't want Kai as Dino's ex-best friend TELL ME!!!

Also thank you for 4.02k reads!!💕

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