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After unpacking my necessities and finding a pair of loose silk pyjama shirts from one of the boxes, and a random white tshirt, I walked into the bathroom and stared at the shower dial in confusion. Using a new shower is like playing with a toy from outer space.

After many shivers and scolds I finally find a good temperature and pressure. I step in and let the steamy water attack at my pale delicate skin. The hot water steamed up the mirror and glass panels where I wiped a circle so I could see my face. What a sight too, with my mascara running down my cheeks like I had been crying.

After wiping away my little makeup and washing my face a grabbed my phone from my empty desk and saw no notifications. No texts or calls, or anything. Not even a stupid promotional notification from a game. I sighed and realised it was probably because I had no WiFi. I took my phone and walked down the hall, my feet touching the cold surface of the floorboards which creaked a little. I walked down the stairs and toward the light that shone through the hall. I walked towards the room and it turned out to be a large opening with a dining area and a kitchen connected to a conservatory. I could hear that the rain had started again as the patting sounds came from the class ceiling of the conservatory.

"How do you like it?" My mother asked as she was sorted spices in the kitchen and arranging them on the racks. She was a cuisine blogger and was a writer for Cuisine Magazine. That's why she was always typing away. It's one thing I can appreciate about her, her good food.
"I like my room, it's big" I replied and meant against the marble counter. "I know, see Morgenstel's houses are much bigger than Oakton. You'll grow to love it." She said as she dug out more random kitchen utensils. It was true, the houses are bigger here and cheaper, and that's because no one wants to live here. Think about it, would you rather live in New York in an apartment in the middle of the city with cafes near by, a buzz of life and a flood of constant opportunities or would you rather live in the middle of no where, where it's sole purpose seemed to be soaking up the worlds capacity of gloom and rain? I would choose the apartment any day.

I walk down the hall and decide to explore a bit. Walking through a large door to find a dark red study or with a large mahogany desk and dark shelves of leather bound books. On the rim right was a high window cast with dark red velvet curtains, with leather seats and a small coffee table which was lit by a yellow lamp. This must have been where my father used to sit. The whole house had changed and had been refurbished and expanded but this room remains the same. The smell was the same. The scent of wood and books and a hint of just old but curing allure.

I walk back and find the living room. It's a wide room with light floorboards and giant white rug in the middle. I can tell it's been cleaned by Mrs Elm since there was not one fleck or dust or mark like anyone had lived here. I find the WiFi rooter and acquire the long digit passcode. Typing it into my phone as I wait for a notification and still, nothing. Even with WiFi it doesn't help with my unpopularity.
But surely my friends would have texted me by now? Maybe I should text them? But I find myself angry with them for not texting me so I decide not to. But then I start wondering if I'm just being over sensitive. I think about what my friends are doing now. Kendall would probably be at home gossiping for England on the phone to Naomi who would agree with everything she said. I think about those two and wonder how I became friends with them in the first place. It wasn't just the physical difference that made us have a pique contrast. Naomi had beautiful long blonde gold hair, a natural charm and the brains of Einstein. Nicole had short red hair and she excelled at sports. She lead the schools girl football team. I guess maybe when I was seven I was popular and probably what seven year olds redeemed as 'cool', but as the years went by I started to not be as outgoing as I was. I grew more sarcastic and cold maybe because I was became a teenager. Or maybe because I was just tired of everything. I think about it now and I can tell Naomi and Kendall thought the same. They were sensitive around me in a way that made me feel like an alien and in the past few months they have been together more than ever. Especially since I told them I was moving away. I really was just another issue that's now resolved since I've moved away. Gosh they must feel so glad. I would too if I were them.

That night I lay in my bed covered by my duvet. I look up at the ceiling and follow the swirling patterns on the ceiling until it felt like I could fall asleep. But because the room was so big and bare, every time I shifted the noise was irrational. I made sure I made a mental note to unpack my belongings and make this my home, since now I guess it is my home. Or my house at least. Soon I feel my thick eyelashes shut together and know that I'm disappearing from consciousness. Until I open my eyes again and a pair of deep green eyes look back at me. I don't blink because I don't want to miss the fathoming mystery of them. They are so beautiful. I can't imagine who it is I don't recognise them. I surely would if I saw them, I wouldn't be able to forget. Then I hear a whisper. Their voice is charming me, their hum is like a song. "Azra" they said and my heart beats fast in it's tight chest. Like a wild lion trapped in a cage.

I then shoot up, sitting on my bed to meet not the beautiful mesmerising eyes I dreamt of but my bare room instead. I realise I'm sweating and panting. I ran my hand through my hair and sigh, checking the time to see that it was only 4:00AM. I lean myself back into bed and close my tired eyes again. Where I drift off back to sleep. I'm only met by darkness, nothing else. I didn't dream anymore and I'm almost frustrated that I didn't. I want to see those eyes again, something is pulling me toward them. I want to know why and who. Who do those eyes belong to? Surely I didn't make them up in my mind. I would be awfully surprised if I could do such a thing. But then I stop myself and think that it really was just a dream and that I'm going to wake up in the morning and probably not remember this at all. And so I accept that and let it happen. I fall back asleep.


authors note:

Well I wonder who's eyes they were.......find out soon!


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