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This odd sensation of homeliness washed over me as soon as the smell of lasagna filled my nose. I hesitantly take off my jacket and hand it on the banister, walking slowly toward the yellow light of the kitchen to see my mother dressed still in her black office dress, but with her slippers on.
Her dark blond hair was tied back into a short ponytail with a few pieces of hair to frame her face.

As soon as she realises I'm standing in the doorway she smiles suggestively.
This smile is a different smile. I hadn't ever seen it before. I turn to look through the dining room and I see no one else there. Was it just the two of us?
"Azra, welcome home. I would like us to have dinner tonight, yeah? I made your favourite, Lasagna."

But my favourite isn't Lasagna, and I'm not sure if I can appreciate her effort.

"Where is he?" I say through parted lips. I'm not angry anymore. I don't feel the frustration building in me but instead a disappointed stillness.

Her eyes shift to the tiles of the floor and she sucks in a breath.
"Why don't you set up the table for me? Cutlery in there." She points to a drawer.
"I know." I reply honestly. Does she think I haven't figured that out by now?

She watches as I take two pairs of knifes and forks, bringing them to the table, where I can feel her eyes on me. They're not devious but instead more cautious and timid. I feel as though the roles have been swapped around.

After setting the table up, I sit myself opposite her and look down at my steamy plate of Lasagna. She's looking at me, waiting for me to say something or waiting for herself to bring up the topic that we both dread to talk about.
She offers me the plate of garlic bread and I take a slice to be polite.

"Thank you for brining my folder today. Were you already heading to town?" She asks with a lighter tone to her voice.
I swallow the warm food down my throat and nod. I can't deny that it is good.
"No." I deadpan reply. "But I had nothing else to do anyways." I add because I feel suddenly guilty now.

She's put all this effort because she feels embarrassed. I should let her have a bit of fun right? But no, I feel like I can't. This part of me is laughing at her downfall and I hate it. The self conflict in me is overwhelming so I concentrate on chewing my food instead.

"Did you go on your own? Or did you meet with your friends?"
"The twins went with me and we met Charlie there." I mumble quietly.
"Who's Charlie?"
She's trying to make conversation and I pity her.
"Charlotte Vissa. A girl in my class. She helps with my maths."
She nods. "I got an email from school saying that it's back on tomorrow."
I nod like I already knew.

We are so quiet that I can hear the wind outside from the open window in the hallway. I can hear the tiny chiming of my fork scratching at my plate as I finish my dish. I eat it fast because I want to leave. I want an excuse to push away from this awkward deliberate dinner that I've been forced into.

"Azra," she starts "What you saw today, at the office that is, I..."
I can tell she's struggling for words and that this is as uncomfortable for her as it is uncomfortable for me. I feel a little sweaty and the fabric of my sweater starts to itch at my skin making me shift uncontrollably.
I decide to save her from herself and save myself in the process.
"Who is he? Is he your coworker?"
"No...not really...he's the head of the co-operation with Cuisine Magazine. For Morgenstel that is..."
"So he's your boss?"

She swallows and nods. Leaning her elbows on the table, not touching her Lasagna. But instead looking at it with shame.

"Do you...like him? Is he nice?" I ask carefully, not wanting to know about my mothers childish feelings.
She shrugs and blinks at me. Unsure of what to say.
I take that as my cue to leave. I stand up, the chair scraping against the tile before I pick up my empty plate.
"Azra, your father and I...we aren't..." she reaches out to me but I shrink away.
"I know." I say more harshly and I instantly regret it. I wanted to convince her that I didn't care but having said that, I'm sure I did the opposite. I resorted back to being the selfish three year old again.

I swiftly put the plate in the sink and then exit the glowing light of the kitchen leaving my mother and entering the darkness that is the rest of the house.

Looking at the note that Romeo had left me, I wonder if he would show anytime soon. In the meantime I thought I would get ready for bed.

After showering and blow drying my hair so that it looked decent, and changing into my silk pyjama top and shorts. I lounged on my bed, half waiting for Romeo to turn up and half flicking through my phone until a I get a call from Charlie.

"Hey!" I way too enthusiastically because I'm grateful that I have someone to talk to at this moment.
"Azra, what have you done?" She says like she's about to cry.
"What are you talking about?"
"I showed my mum that necklace."
"It belongs to your housekeeper. Or was your housekeeper? Mrs Elm?"
I don't say anything. My heart races and I'm glad she couldn't hear it over the phone. She knows. Somehow she knows about Mrs Elm.
"She wasn't Mrs Elm. Mrs Elm doesn't exist."
"Oh god Azra! I know she's a Vedovela but you can't go around doing things like that? And that Romeo is all over it too." She starts to whisper "Why didn't you tell me? I can't believe this! You and Roman have broken the covenant!"
"What covenant? What even is that?"
"It's a treaty made by the non humans of Morgenstel, no supernatural kills another supernatural without called reason! The witches in Morgenstel rose the covenant hundreds of years ago. My mother is furious!" She says and then stops. "I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow okay? Be careful, and stay away from Romeo."

The line goes dead and I'm left sat on my bed feeling like someone has taken out my insides. We have been caught and now I'm in deep sh!t.

authors note:

i'll post another chapter tonight so stick around!

please vote/comment!!!


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