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The softness if my bed felt foreign as I look up at the ceiling. The white swirling wallpaper made my stomach churn as I thought about what we did. And by that I mean what me and Romeo did and how we had gotten caught.

I can't assume that my dna was all over that necklace because I'm sure it wasn't, I had never seen it before in my life. Mrs Elm the Vedovela must have worn it in secret, so to hide it from us all. I'm not even sure how Charlie's mother found out. Perhaps it was some magical psychic intubation that's extremely accurate.

After constant shuffling around in my bed, I hear a light high tap on my window. I instantly sit up, feeling a lift in my spirits as I know who that tap is. I walk over to the window and open the curtain, letting the moonlight rain down on my face as I look down seeing a bright faced Romeo who brings a smile to my lips.

I open rhe window widely and take a step back, turning around so that I'm not facing him. I want him to appear like he always does, out of no where. I know, that when I turn around he will be there in my sight and it brings me great relief. But I also do this because I have my suspicions about him. I know that he isn't...like me. And I'll give him that freedom and leeway for now.

After a few seconds, I feel a settlement in my heart and that's when I know that he'll be there.
I turn around and see his long body sitting at my windowsill with the light of the moons hitting his brown hair and lightening his green eyes like he's a poem altogether.
"Hey Juliet." He speaks between his perfect lips in a soft hum.
I smile and sit on my bed, crossed legged.
"Hello. What have you been up to?" I ask wondering what he does during the day.
"Nothing much. Just waiting I suppose."
"Waiting for what?"
"Waiting for now." He picks himself from the windowsill and closes the window behind him, leaving the curtains partially parted. He walks towards me and leans against the chair of my desk, picking up the note and smirking that heart pacing smirk.
"If you wanted to come earlier you could have." I suggest.
He shakes his head and returns the note to my desk. "I can't steal you from your friends. Levi and Cole would be disappointed and offended."

I scoff and roll my eyes.
"Forgive me for thinking you care about other people's feelings."
He looks taken aback and then grins, pulling his plump lips back hearing his perfect white teeth, acknowledging my sarcasm.
"How did you know I was with them anyways?" I ask with a raised brow. "Are you stalking me now Romeo? How many years is it for breaking and entering, and stalking?" I leave out the murder for obvious reasons.
He chuckles and picks up paperweight I have on my desk, fiddling with it in his hands.
He lifts his eyes off the paperweight and looks at me, keeping his hands still.
"I like to know where you are."
My heart skips a beat as his words echo in my head. I know he can hear my heart and I'm embarrassed by its rapid pacing.

But it's disturbed by a knock on my door.
"Azra? Are you awake?" My mother says and opens the door. I look back at Romeo to see his alert eyes before I quickly stand up. I glance at him again and he's gone.
My mother catches me standing in my room randomly, so I reach over to my desk and shuffle some of my stationary around, pretending I'm tidying up.

"Yeah?" I look at her with innocent eyes. Like the dinner we had never happened and like a boy wasn't in my room two seconds ago.
She grips the door and smiles at me softly.
"Got ready for bed? Early night, yes?"
I nod, she can clearly see I'm in my pyjamas.
"You have school tomorrow don't you? How's about I drop you off tomorrow morning, save you walking there?" She offers but I shake my head.
"It's fine, my friends will be waiting for me." I don't want to seem rude like I'm not appreciative for her apologetic actions and ideas. "It's good exercise anyways."
She nods at my response. "All right, goodnight– oh, by the way, Mrs Elm is very sick. So she's not coming anymore. I've put the spare key in the cupboard downstairs if you need it."
I freeze when she mentions that.
"What do you mean she's sick?"
"She wrote me an email, it's a shame. I hope she gets well enough soon. Even then I expect she will be retiring anyways."
"Ah" I nod going along with it knowing full well who wrote that email.
"Goodnight then, sleep well."
She closes the door quietly behind her.
For a few seconds I'm still until I can't hear her footsteps anymore, indicating that Romeo could appear again. And he does.

"Did you write that email?" He whispers as he sits on the edge of my bed with his hands resting behind him.
I shake my head. "I thought you did?"
He looks at me with his dark eyebrows frowned and stands up.
Then a through came to my mind.
"I forgot to mention." I walk over to my wardrobe and take out the smooth round sphere of a stone from my pocket and hand it to him, my fingertips briefly touching his palm.
He looks at it and then looks back up at me.
"Charlotte?" He asks and I nod. So he knows.
"We found a necklace earlier, it belonged to Mrs Elm. Do you recognise the word covenant?" I sit next to him. "Charlie's mum knows. She knows what you did to Mrs Elm and she also knows what we did to her. What is going to happen now?"
He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"I thought the covenant was forgotten." He mumbled and then groans.
A worried look flashed across my face and he snaps out of it.
"It's going to be okay, you'll be fine. They can't touch you."
"Who's they?"
"The witches of Morgen. They have been carrying the covenant for generations. But their kind is a dying breed, so now it's only a maximum of three."
"What about you?" I ask and automatically reach for his hand. I enclose the chill of his fingers in mine, the touch sending reliefs up my arm and making my chest warmer.
"I'm going to be fine okay?"
"Romeo, I'm not as naive as you think I am. I may not know what you are but I know for a fact that you aren't like me. You aren't human."

His fingers wrap tighter around my hand like he's scared I'm going to let go.
I give him a light smile and he returns with a look of unexplainable surprise. He had this tiny frown of confusion say in his brows.
"It doesn't change anything." I say and we both shift, our bodies facing each other. He reaches out to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, his face gradually getting closer and closer to mine, his lips almost touching my own with his eyes looking from my right to my left.

The silence between us is still and quiet like the whole world is watching us nearly meet. I hitch my breath as his lips come closer and closer until they almost meet mine.

Our lips finally meet. Softly synchronising with each other like they were meant to be. The kids is sweet and sets my insides into a floating dream. My closed eyes remind me of this paradise that I haven't ever experienced. The touch of his hands tousling in my hair brings me ecstatic joy.
We pull apart but keep our faces close. Our foreheads meet and our eyelashes almost touch. We both look at each other with smiles on our lips. I can't help but giggle as I feel giddy.

I had shared my first kiss with Romeo.

authors note:

i hope you enjoy this and omg ROMAZRA IS HAPPENING !!!

please please vote if you read! i also love reading and relying to comment so go wild!


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