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His structured hands grip my wrists as they pin me down on my bed. My breath hitches at the tiny intimate space that's left between us. His eyes bring me a want and plead for his lips on me, like they're a sacred gold.

His rose like lips come closer to mine until they're touching just slightly. I feel the skin on his lips wrap around mine as our mouths synchronise with one another like they're meant to be. His tongue asks for entry and I allow with no hesitation, this intense rejuvenation rushes over me and his kiss becomes deeper and deeper until I can feel the cold chill run down my body.
But I don't stop, and he doesn't too. I can feel his right breath breathing in the scent of my perfume; or blood.
His lips part mine and I gasp, catching a human breath as his lips work down my jawline and then down to the crook of my neck. He tightens around a certain area and I feel a pressure of pain. A good pain. He's marking his territory. He does this again as he works on my shoulder, then my collarbone, then lower and lower until he reaches my chest where he stops.
I sit up, we both look at each other intently. This is where my limits are, at the moment. I haven't thought about reaching anywhere else. I'm not saying that I wouldn't like to, but I would like to think about more first. I'm not quite sure I'm ready.

"We should stop." I whisper airily and cling to the bedsheets. He nods and kisses my blushing cheeks that are hot with fluster.
I bite my lip with embarrassment, thinking about what I had just said and what I had just implied.
"I won't pressure you into anything you don't want. I will never." He says and a warm endearingness fills me.
I nod and he tucks away my hair behind my ears. "But I do like seeing you blush." He says and I kiss the inside of his wrist that lays next to my cheek.
"I'll be back." I say as I reluctantly shift away from him and walk into the bathroom for a quick shower.

The bright bathroom light stings my eyes but I'm more alarmed by the reflection in the mirror. Not only are my cheeks red with list, but my neck and collarbones are dotted with round purple bruises. Hickeys. Love bites. I find myself smiling and biting my lips to stop how scandalous I feel. But now I feel like I'm truly his and I feel giddy and like a stupid little girl that's in love.

After a very quick shower, I double check in the steamed mirror that my hickeys are still there. And I am pleased that they are, I know that they won't disappear for a few days and I feel a pride rise in me.

I step out of the bathroom with my towel dried hair and carefully picked out pyjamas. A white tshirt with pink velvet shirts that hugged my body well.

He sits on my bed with his arms resting behind him, his eyes follow me with a mischievous grin. I pretend not to notice and make my way over to the other side of my bed, sliding under the covers and leaning closer toward him with my hand resting on his muscled torso.
"Where's your mother?" He asks quietly. I shut my eyes and shrug.
"Probably with Jack." I mumble. "She won't be back soon, so don't worry."
He doesn't say anything but strokes the hair out of my face. Over and over again making me feel like a pet.
"Can I see?" He asks and tilts my chin up. I open my eyes and look up to show him the array of hickeys, and I tug the collar of my shirt so he can fully see with a smirk on his face.
His hand slides behind my neck and I smile with pride. "Do they hurt?" He asks and I shake my head.
"Well, sort of. But I don't mind." I say and lay back down.

I realise how hard it must have been for him not to go any further. Not romantically, but further as in drinking my blood or busting an artery.
"You had a lot of control." I say and push his hair back showing my appreciation for his hard attempts. "Do you need more?" I ask.
I sigh. "You know what I'm talking about. Blood." I say and he tenses up. It's a soft topic that he's not used to talking about.
"I can go a little longer." He says and I shake my head, sitting on my knees, holding his hand.
"You don't have to pretend. You can always ask me if you like. I wouldn't mind." I say and look away embarrassed by a thought that came across my mind.
"I can't let you do that." He says politely.
I grasp his hand together and bring it to my cheek where I nuzzle into it.
"I would like to." I whisper and it's like his ears prick up, just like a puppy.
A devilish smile appears across his face.
I'm being stubborn and he knows nothing will change my mind.
"You're so-"
"So what?" I interrupt "so the best?" I say and he wraps his arms around me in a bear hug, I try and squirm but I can't and so we just explode in a fit of giggles.

The next few days were quiet. Levi woke up at last and felt embarrassed that we had seen him like that, but we all reassured him that it was nothing to be ashamed of.
"Well at least it's over now." Jason says and pats his back as we sit at the Maccon's dinner table.
"More anyone?" Gabby asks and brings round a plate of garlic bread.
"Can you eat garlic?" Levi asks. He looks well slept and is eating more than I've ever seen him eat. He had extra meat on his plate and he's gobbling it up like a hungry animal
Cole flicks him. "Of course he can, we live in the real world."
Romeo laughs. "Lucky for me, I don't burn in the sun either." He says. "Maybe in a hundred years when the earths atmosphere gives way and I'll burn like the rest of you will."
I chuckle at his cleverness and swallow a mouthful of warm lasagna.

I notice something odd. It's this look in Jason's eyes every time he looks at Charlie. It's like he's taking in every movement she makes, every breath she takes. My eyes try not to pry but if I hadn't known better, Charlie looked at him with the same stare. I notice that her smile is wider and there's a rosyness about her cheeks. Romeo taps my knee underneath the table and my eyes take to his.
He notices too.
"If I may ask, are mates a thing?" Romeo speaks up and Jason's look is pulled away from Charlie. He looks red with embarrassment and he shifts in his seat.
"Oh yeah, I heard about that. Gabby, is your husband your mate?" Charlie asks.
Gabby laughs whilst she feed smiles a spoonful.
"Yes, he is. Even after hundred of years, wolves always find eachother. Their other half." She says and has a brightness about her when she talks about this.

This idea of mates plays right in front of me. And I know it too.

authors note:

hello !

i need to change the age rating of this book....even though most of you probably don't follow it (i never do either hehe)

love you all, please comment/vote!


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