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We sit by Stellar River's soft flowing water until school is over. It was Charlie's idea since she was worried that her mother of her mothers friends might see her around the town.

I stand up and brush the crumbs of the pastry off my lap and onto the rocks. We pick up the plastic packaging and I carry them as we step down the rocks, leaping from one big boulder to another without getting wet.

"Hey, let's take this path." Charlie says and points to the indents of the grass and leaves where people have walked. I nod and step over wild green ferns following her in her steps.

"We should head black a bit later so it's more convincing." She says and I nod.
My mother wouldn't be worried if I was late or early. Heck, I didn't even know if she was back at home now. Or if she would be there tonight or the night after that.

"Hey what's that?" She says and points to a dark black stain on the trodden leaves
"Is that-"
"Blood." She says and bends over hovering her hand over the patch.

This brings back memories of what happened with the necklace and so I've decided that I don't like it when she hovers her hands over things.

"It's probably just a bird or something." I say to try and coax her away but she's determined.
"No it's, really familiar." She mumbled and dips the tip of her finger in it to which I suck my teeth in.
"Charlie you don't know who's that could be!" I say.
She ignores me and brings her finger up to her nose and sniffs.
"Urgh Charlie!" I exclaim.
Her eyes widen. "It's Levi's." She says and looks at me astonished.

It must have been from when he was running and cut himself on a branch.

"I know Azra. My mum told me about them." She says and I am stuck for words.
"Did it happen? Did he...?"
I nod slowly. Knowing exactly what she meant.
She walks on with a quicker pace.
"Wait, Charlie!" I shout and follow her.
"We have to go see him! I can't believe this!" She says and I notice that she isn't angry. Her lips are pulled into a gigantic smile and she's speeding with anticipation.
I give in with a sigh. "Alright then."

We reach the Maccon's house and I ring the bell on the door.
They don't pick up but the gates open immediately.

I gingerly knock on the door and I hear Jason.
"Come on in Az!" He says and I open the door, revealing not only me but Charlie too.
He's taken aback and I feel like I've stepped over the line. I already feel like a human intruder into their private so secret supernatural world.
"Ah, you must be the daughter of Vissa? Charlotte right?" He says and takes out a hand after wiping his hand on a dish cloth.
Charlie's smile pulls into a closed lipped grin and grasps his hand lightly. Her cheeks turn a warm amber and her eyes are pulled toward him.
"Just Charlie will do, it's a pleasure to meet you." She says. "Feels a little weird when I remember you at school."
He laughs and scratches the back of his neck.
"Yeah I remember seeing you around. You're two years below right?"
She nods and placed her hands behind her back.
They share quiet eye contact with grins on both their faces.
"Uhm...hows Levi?" I ask feeling guilty for breaking their moment.
Jason snaps out of his daze into Charlie's eyes and Charlie looks at the ground bashfully.
"Oh, yes of course. He's doing much better, you two can go up and check on him, first door on the left. He might be a bit boring though, resting and all. But I'm sure he'll feel better when he realised his friend paid him a visit." He says. "Tea anyone?"
We both nod and disappears into the kitchen.

I give Charlie a wiggle of my brows and she swats my hand, I suppress a laugh and walk up the stairs quietly admiring the wooden thread work on the banister.

As we walk in, Cole is laid back on a chair beside his brother's bed. Levi is shirtless with his chest rising up and down with slow breathing, his hair is pushed to the side and his eyelids shut peacefully and his mouth parted.
"They're sleeping." Charlie whispers and as she does Cole lifts his eyes and jolts up, awake.

"Oh hey you guys!" He says with a glint kg happiness shining in is eyes.
"Hey, how are you doing? How's Levi?" I ask and he nods.
"We're both fine. Last night was rough though, Jason and I were pinning him down all night. He must have been in so much pain, he's fine now though. Pain in the ass." He says and we chuckle. "Does she...?" He points to Charlie.
"Yes she does." Charlie says and folds her arms.
Cole sighs with relief. "I'm so glad we all know now. I don't think I could resist the urge to keep it a secret anymore." He says and we both giggle.
We all look at a resting Levi and then Cole stands up.
"Come on, let's leave him alone." Cole says and we both nod, exiting the room and making our way downstairs to the hot cups of tea sitting on the counter.

"How's he doing?" Jason asks as he takes a sip from his cup as we take ours.
"He's sleeping like a dog." Charlie says and then covers her mouth.
Jason laughs and shakes his head. "It's all good darling." He says, his Irish accent thickening.

"So when is he going to wake up?" I ask.
Jason shrugs. "We don't know, soon. The changing usually takes place on a full moon during a Lycan's teenage years. It takes hours for them to fully shift as they have to adjust their bones for the first time. It's always the hardest when it's the first. Then after that and they shift back to their normal form, they're in pain for a while. After some rest then they will be fine and every changing from then will only get easier and easier." He said and took a sip from his cup.
Cole clears his throat. "But this time it's different. Levi didn't change on a full moon and he shifted much faster than usual. He also endured more pain than anything last night, so he might not wake up until tomorrow."
"Why is it different?" Charlie asks.
"It's because of the beacon of energy. It's right here in Morgen and it's meddling with everything supernatural." He said. "Levi must have been easily influenced by energies."
"But anyways, it's over now. And I'm next." Cole said proudly and grins.
"I don't know why you're grinning, the sound of your bones actually morphing and cracking is nothing to be happy about." Charlie says and Jason laughs.
"It's always exciting for your first shift. Absolutely painful bullsh!t but it's like your first of everything, you know." He says.
"When did you change?" She asks.
"When I was....seventeen I think?"
"How was that?"
"Bloody brutal..." and I feel like they're having their own conversations now.

Cole gives me a questioning look and I raise my eyebrows smugly before we make our way to the living room.

authors note:

posting this chapter a little early!

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also we hit 800 votes!!
thank you so much.


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