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Romeo's point of view

Cole sucks his teeth in as we glare at each other with intensity.

"What other secrets do you have up your sleeve, Montgomery? What else are you hiding from Azra and all of us? I may not be a wolf yet but I can still smell it on you." He scrunches his nose.

My anger was coming to a boiling point. I could already imagine punching that ignorant face of his into the wall with my fist. I keep still hearing shifting in the other room and soon enough our intense stare off is disrupted by Mrs Vissa.

I hear her heartbeat beating fast as though she ran a marathon. She had a look upon her face like she had seen a ghost, her eyes were wide and wary.

She looks up at me and rushes out the room, shutting the door behind her before I can even try and take a glance at Azra.
"What is it? Let me see her." I say persistently and reach for the door but Cole stops me with a hand on my arm.
"Get your paw off my arm." I hiss but before he can reply Mrss Vissa stops him.
"Both of you cut it out." She says. "She isn't ready to see anyone."

She walks into the kitchen with us following, where everybody stands suddenly waiting for the news.

"Mum." Charlie says as she rushes to her mother, her father taking Mrs Vissa to a chair where she sits with her hands folded.
"What is it? What happened?" Gabby says and sits next to her.
"Is she alright?" Levi asks.

Mrs Vissa tries to take deep breaths.

She shakes her head, the beads on her braids click against each other.

"It was awful." She says and it takes us back.

I have known her bloodline ever since her ancestors set foot in Morgenstel. Not once have I ever seen a Vissa this shaken up. They're the toughest women I have ever known and yet looking at her now I can't say that I'm looking at the same woman.

"What did you see?" Jack asks.

"Everything. It isn't just the bodies. They're other memories that she's locked away that I wasn't supposed to see." She says quickly.

"What memories?" I ask angrily wanting to go and see Azra immediately.

"Her mother." Mrs Vissa says quickly and stands up looking at Jack. "We need to do it quickly."

Before Azra arrived in Morgenstel, Mrs Vissa had predicted her coming. Not just her, but Delilah Degrey too.
We needed to distract her mother if Azra really was the angels kiss and there was no better person than Jack.
Delilah being fresh out of a divorce gave them opportunities with the help of some witchery romance spells and such.

"It's much worse than we thought." She says "you need to do it straight away." She stands up and rushes to the kitchen as we all turn to each other in confusion.
She pulls out a small jar, and with gloves she takes a teaspoon of a white powder that smells like burnt metal, placing it into a little tube and handing it to Jack.
"What are you going to do with that?" Levi asks.

"You're going to kill Azra's mother." I say piecing it together.
"What the hell?!" The twins say in unison earning a light slap from Gabby.

Jack takes the tube, turning it in his hands before slipping it into his pocket.
"I'll do it as soon as I can." He says confidently.

The twins exchange glances, accepting that this is their new life. A life that has to be accepted quickly and without hesitation.
"Why?" Cole asks carefully.
Charlotte's mother shakes her head. "You have no idea what I had seen through her eyes." She whispers almost like she scared. "Her mother isn't a mother if I ever saw one. She needs to be dealt with immediately. The energy that Azra gives off doesn't just effect us. It effects everyone that surrounds her- and her mother? It has taken a dark turn in her heart, ever since she was born."
"Her energy didn't give her mother the same that she gives to us." Lexi says "It turns her into an asshole and has been for the whole of Azra's life. There's no turning back now."
"What do you mean?" Levi asks.

Lexi gestures to me. "I'm sure you are aware of her blood right? Probably the best thing you have ever tasted and will ever taste." The twins and Charlie shift uncomfortably. "Sorry to get morbid, but it's true."

I look to the side, it is true.

Her blood was the first thing that I could smell that day in the forest. My tongue reminds me of the taste of her blood, like rich liquor cured for years in the finest brewery. Like the most impeccable chemically compound drug that has ever been made.

"That's disgusting." Levi says and scrunches his face.
I roll my eyes. "Wow shocker, I, a vampire survive off blood."
He glares at me before Mrs Vissa interrupts us.

"The point is," Lexi says "that her mother treats her like crap. She's scared of Azra and her unknown abilities."

I frown. Azra never mentioned any of this to me.
A pain in my chest sears inside me as I imagine the horrible things that Azra has gone through and I never even knew.

I don't want to imagine her tear blue eyes that I could get lost in. It hurts me to know she was in pain, more so that she didn't tell me.

"Can we see her? Please?" Charlie begs her mother.

Her mother opens the door slowly revealing Azra sitting in the same place. Her usually bright blue eyes are pale with a dullness and are focused on a corner of the room.
"Azra?" I say and walk slowly toward her.

Her cheeks are stained with tears with a worned look on her face. Her breathing is shallow and small, barely even there. I reach out for her hand and when I do I'm shocked to find how usually cold she is.

She looks hurt and more vulnerable than ever with her eyes filling up with solemn tears that have been waiting for years for her to realise.


authors note:

thank you for reading! expect to see more of romeo's pov!

please vote/comment, it makes my day.


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