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They all stare at me with wide eyes

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They all stare at me with wide eyes. Unable to say anything like there was something stuck in their throats. They glanced at each other for recognition but Romeo's head shook.

"Tell me!" I burst out in the angry silence, ripping my hand away from Romeo's. I felt this warm sensation across my back. The lights above my bed started to flicker and then increase to a bright white fat beyond their capabilities. The objects on the bedside table started to vibrate with every ounce of anger building inside of me and soon enough my eyes started to see red. Not because I was furious, but because they started welling up with blood. I felt the hotness run down my cheeks slowly as I glared at my secretive friends.

They all look at Romeo in panic as the lights started to increase their voltage creating a high pitched buzzing sound throughout the infirmary.
Luckily we were the only ones here.

"Azra, listen to me, please." Romeo said and slowly took a step forward like I was a threat. His hand reached out tentatively for mine without breaking eye contact.
"Romeo stop!" Charlie said from the other side of the bed.

The digital clock in the bedside table started to beep as the red numbers flickered up and down. The lamp next to me blew its fuse in a pop and the blood from my eyes dripped down to my jawline.
Romeo still reaches out and I slowly connect my hands with his.

But as I do, I feel a sudden pressure as I touch his skin and his body is pushed away back into the wall on the other side, causing the plaster to crumble. The lights reach its maximum and the bulbs shatter causing glass to fall down, Levi covering Charlie and Cole ducks down.

Suddenly there are no vibrations. The room is dimmer now with only subtle sunlight floating in the room.

My chest rises as I catch my breath looking across to Romeo who seems to have recovered easily, but is in shock.

"What's happening to me?" I whimper in a whisper staring down at the bedsheets where a speck of blood had fallen on them from my cheek.

"Azra." Romeo says and reaches for my hand before I instantly shuffle away. Keeping my hand to myself, I didn't want to hurt him again.
"I'm so sorry." I whisper in hurt. "I don't know what's happening to me."

I look up at my friends who have shocked faces laid upon them. "But you do. You all know what's happening." I whisper with my lips barely parting.

Before they could say anything, Lexi burst into the infirmary, out of breath and surprised by the dent in the walls where Romeo's body fell into. She carefully stepped over the broken lights.

"Oh Jesus." She said as she looked at me. I forgot that I must look like an absolute state with the blood from my eyes.
"What are you doing here?" Cole asks.
"No questions, hurry, we need to leave." She says and looks toward the door like she's worried someone's watching. "Come on!"

Romeo takes my hand suddenly and I immediately look at him with worry.
"It's okay. See? I'm fine. Nothings happened." He says and I swallow with caution. My hand squeezes into his as he drags me out with the twins and Charlie following close behind.

Suddenly I bump into Lexi as she halts to a stop.
"Sh!" She says and pushes her back to the wall.
"Who is it?" I ask wondering who we're hiding from.
"It's Merzion. Anna, I mean." Levi whispers, closing his eyes to listen in. "She knows? She knows about Azra." He looks at Lexi for answers but she doesn't give any.

We dart out into the car park passing a student who screams as she sees my face. My bloody face.
Romeo jumps in front of her and locks eyes.
"You walk back to class, you saw nothing." He says. I watch carefully as her eyes are transfixed as she nods and turns on her heels.

"Hurry, get in the car." Lexi says as we all pile in.
"Where are we going?" Charlie asks, sitting in the passenger seat.
"Your mothers." She replies quickly and takes off leaving a screeching sound as the car leaves the school.

Charlie's mother hurried us in her house and locked the door. She ushered me upstairs to clean myself up, along with Charlie to help me.

Charlie dabs at my cheek lightly trying hard to avoid my eye contact. I chuckle at her attempts to help.
I take the cloth from her. "I can handle this." I say.
"Are you sure?" She asks, I can tell she looks a little pale from the blood. She's squeamish but won't admit it.
I nod and she heads downstairs.

I look at myself in the mirror. I look the same. A little tired maybe, but still the same old me.

I glance down at my hands noticing a few smudges of blood, so I scrub the in the sink with the herb scented soap. I recall just touching Romeo sent him flying away. How could this be possible? I could barely hurt a fly.

I walk downstairs after drying my hands. As I do, I hear them talking in rising whispers.

"Delilah doesn't know, and that's not the worst of it. Have a look at this." A familiar male voice says. It's jack.

I walk in to Mrs Vissa's incense filled front room, they all tear their eyes away from something on the table and back to me.
"Hey there." Cole says as they go quiet. I ignore him and my attention is caught on the file that sits on the table.
A hand swipes it away and I look up to see it's a tall dark skinned man with glasses. Charlie's dad. Standing next to him is Gabby with Jason. They're all here.
"What's that?" I ask and make my way toward the table pointing to the file he is holding protectively.

"It's nothing, Azra." Levi says.
"She deserves to know." Lexi says and folds her arms, her blonde bouncing hair on her shoulders.
"She's only a child!" Gabby says and wraps an arm around me.
"Ma, if it were me I would have wanted you to tell me." Jason's voice speaks up.
"I agree." Cole says awarding an elbow from Levi.
"It's not safe." He says.
"Because you're the expert aren't you?" Charlie says.
"Charlotte." Her dad warns her.

They all pile in on their opinions of what I should and shouldn't know.

Lexi, Cole, Jason, Charlie determined for me to know and Gabby, Levi, Jack determined for me not to know.

Everyone else just stays neutral. But they're not telling me much either.

"Everyone shut up." Mrs Vissa says burning a candle brightly in flame that gets everyones attention.

"It's not up to any of you." Romeo breaks in. "It's up to Azra." He turns to me.

"What do you want?" He asks.

I look at all their watchful eyes waiting for my answer.

"I want to know everything." I say "starting with that file." I point to the file that Charlotte's dad holds tightly, holding it tighter now that I have declared its privacy.

authors note:

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