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"What did you just say?" I asked in disbelief as I stared at the twins looking at their guilty eyes.
"Wait, you didn't know?" Charlie said and frowned. I shook my head. All of this was news to me. "It's nothing really, the police found that it was an animal attack." Cole said, putting his hand on my shoulder as he thought I was worried. I wasn't worried. I was shocked. How could I not know?

"What do you mean the old head was just found?" I asked getting a little irritated at all this secrecy. "And not just found. Found dead. With body parts missing?"
Levi sighed "We thought you knew. Maybe your mum didn't tell you because she didn't want you to be scared."
"I don't think my mother knows." I said. They looked at each other again before turning to me. "Uhm...I'm sure she does. It was kind of a big deal you know? There were news articles everywhere. And not just in Morgen." Cole said. "And the whole town had curfew for like a month" Levi added.
"But it's really nothing to worry about." Charlie said and linked my arm in hers. "Don't worry. It wasn't like Mr Sprucer had any family. He was single as a pringle, no kids, no spouse and no relatives. He's probably lucky that he got eaten by a bear." Charlie said which I admit made me giggle a bit. "He was kind of always a freak anyways." Levi said.
I nodded slowly. What if my mother did know? Why didn't she tell me?
"This isn't a great second day of school, sorry about that." Cole said. I shook my head.
"No, it's fine. It's not your fault, this town just gets weirder and weirder..." I said and they all silently agreed. "Especially since now you know that you've moved to a murder town. Soon to be a ghost town." Levi said dramatically in this horror story telling voice as he crouched in the ground making us and some saddened students walking by, laugh.

Just then everyone turned around to see Miss Merzion standing in a table with the help from a heart-eyed janitor.
"Everyone! We apologise for this incident..." she shouted. "So she is here?" Levi whispered.
"Obviously this is a distraught to the school. But none the less, we will move forward. Everyone in years 8 and below, follow Mr Caston to the west block. Years 9 and 10 follow Mrs Kadeleski to the north block. And years 11 and above follow Miss Hales to the south block! Please make sure you are with a member of staff at all times and do not go wandering on your own. We will arrange for your parents or a member of staff for you to go home. Thank you" she shouted, her voice booming through the open yard, echoing in my ears like she was talking to me specifically.

I saw her step down and glance over at us before clicking away in her kitten heels.

We made it to the south block, each year group jammed in one classroom with a two members of staff in each room supervising us.
"I bet it was the kids" said one of the teachers murmuring to another.
"Tenner on Aven and Stacey, they're freaky enough" a student said in their group of friends. Everyone was sure to have their own accusations, but no one will really find out.

We sat at the back of the classroom, The twins on the desks and me and Charlie on the chairs. "Okay okay what about, hands for feet or feet for hands?" Levi asked as we were playing a game of 'Would You Rather'. Charlie snorted with laughter and Cole scrunched up his gave with disapproval. "Levi that's gross." He said. "More like something out of your worst nightmare" I said. "But I would go for hands for feet."
"I agree"
"Me too"
They all said and laughed until I they all looked behind me in unison. I felt a hand on my shoulder. A cold hand. A cold, awakening, spine chilling touch that could only be Romeo's. I looked up at his perfect features, the way his hair was pushed back on his head made me want to run my hands through it. How his lips were parted made me tempted to touch them with my own.
"Are you okay?" He asked me. "I heard about the fire." I nodded.
"I arrived after it was over." I said "When did you arrive?" I asked. There was a hushed silence where people started to whisper, keeping their conversations quiet as Romeo spoke to me. I found that this happened often. Maybe they were whispering about us. Like why would someone like Romeo talk to me? Or they submitted to him like he ruled the world. Either way, seems rather endearing.

"I just came in now. Traffic." He replied. There was obviously no traffic, he was probably late because he can be. Time seemed to be a choice for Romeo, how fortunate.
We seemed to have run out of things to talk about. There wasn't much to say between us, he always remained a mystery to me and dodged any question I asked him.
"Hey, we have a math exam next week. I would like to help you." He said and I could hear a tiny squeal coming from Charlie as she pretended to be conversing with the twins, the twins going along with her. I was sure Romeo could hear it too. I almost feel embarrassed.
"Oh wow. Really?" I said sarcastically and raised a brow. Am I that bad at math? Is it so obvious?
He chuckled and ran his hand though his hair. "With all respect, Azra. Math is not your strong suit." He replied smartly which I could not disagree with.
"Fine." I replied like it was trouble, when in reality my heart was beating like a butterfly.
"Though my parents have guests around tonight so we might get disturbed..." he started and looked away thinking.
"We could always do it at my house?" I said "Study! That is!" I finished and felt like an idiot. My fave was for sure beetroot red now and I could hear the twins and Charlie snickering behind me. I felt so embarrassed, even more now as he was laughing at my comment. "Yes of course Azra. Who do you take me as?" He said innocently with his deep green eyes. But I wasn't convinced. I couldn't know for sure. But all the girls that look at him with mouths open and drool dripping out their mouths like they were hungry dogs waiting for a meal, told me otherwise.
Just then Mrs Hales interrupted us.
"Are the twins here? The Maccons?" She shouted to the class trying to find the dark haired boys between all the other students. "Ah! There you are, come on boys; Jason's here." She chirped happily. She was a short plump woman with short dark red hair and blue cat eye glasses. She always wore some wacky dresses full of colour or with some odd peculiar pattern on. But that's what makes her stand out, I grew to like her even though I'm so poor at French.

"Who's Jason?" I asked turning to the twins who stood up and put their jackets on, grabbing their backpacks. "Our brother!" They said proudly and ruffled me and Charlie's hair. Cole, receiving a swat from her in return to which we all laughed, even Romeo had a smile placed on his lips. "See ya later!" They both said. They nodded to Romeo and he nodded back. I know that this is some sort of communication between boys. They nod at each other as an acknowledgement because they can't just speak? I don't know. I don't have enough access to the insight of the male psyche.

"So I'll see you tonight then, is 6 o'clock fine?" He asked and I nodded instantly.


authors note:

please check out the cast chapter! i've added the twins in and took some time editing for them aha!

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updated: 12th/feb/2018


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